Written by Ørnulf Myklestad.
1. Objectives, means and political crimes.
British Prime Minister Baldewin said the same before he resigned as British head of government in a speech;
"I make every effort not to plunge Europe into criminal adventures. But the state, including the crown of England, is no longer master of its history. Powers that marvel at our control, in other countries, as in mine, allow special vested interests
What then is this mysterious power Baldewin speaks of, but which he does not dare to mention by its proper name. Yes, this power is none other than international Jewish Freemasonry.
What I will try to make clear to the readers here is that Freemasonry in its symbolic structure is thoroughly Jewish, and that its real goal is to ruthlessly fight for Jewish world domination by all possible means.
In the freemason's handbook, the freemason writes leaning:
"Freemasonry has no secret, but it is itself a secret."
Yes, until recently Freemasonry has stood for most people as something mysterious and inexplicably secret. But thanks to men like General Ludendorff and other intrepid personalities, today little or nothing remains of Freemasonry's secrets. After the seizure of Masonic lodges and their archives in most European countries, Freemasonry has become even more helplessly compromised as the occult Jewish theater that is in its symbolic structure and in its ceremonies, and like the Jewish world conspiracy it is in its outer aims.
Most people have believed that Freemasonry was an innocent company club for men of the "upper class", who provided a grand charity for the welfare of their fellow men. Yes, this was also what Freemasonry wanted outsiders to believe. But does any sane and sensible thinking person seriously believe that it is necessary to build such million dollar palaces as the larger Masonic lodges are, and undergo such insane ceremonies, and surround it all with such secrecy just to give charity?
The charity that Freemasonry provides is a serious matter, I will get into that in more detail later. The charity that Freemasonry provides is a serious matter, I will get into that in more detail later. First, I want to set aside what is said to have hidden the so-called secrets of Freemasonry from most people, and show as thoroughly as I find it necessary what it is that has kept ten houses in the Masonic lodges. But before I move on to this, I will first interject a few words about the so-called "vinkellosjer":
2. «Vinkellosjene».
Apart from the "proper" Masonic lodges, which are the political grand lodges, in this country we have a large number of international so-called angle lodges, each of which works for the cause of the Jews in its own way, often in the most incredible ways. Of such lodges I can mention, e.g. The Polar Star (Polarstjernen), Odd Fellow and Rotary. The activities of all these lodges are prohibited in countries where Freemasonry is generally prohibited. This may be a clue as to the true nature of their business. I also find it unnecessary to go into more detail about these lodges, as their symbolic structure as well as their activities coincide completely with the 3 lowest degrees in the actual grand lodges. This much, however, I can immediately say about these lodges, namely that in their innermost being they are as Jewish as the Norwegian Great Land Lodge.
All in all, 14 different lodging systems work around the world. They all build on the same building, namely "King Solomon temple" which is the symbol of the Jewish world domination. The 14 systems are mutually represented by each other, and there is good reason to assume that the top leaders of the individual systems cooperate in the most intimate way to everywhere promote the common Masonic ideals.
3. The Freemasons' relationship with Judaism.
Rabbi Dr. Isak Wise writes:
"Freemasonry is of Jewish origin. Its history, ordinances, administration, slogans and confessions are from first to last Jewish." So here we have what a prominent Zionist thinks about Freemasonry. And are there any Masons who, without lying, dare deny the truth of his words?
Next, let's take a look at Freemasonry's relationship with Judaism: In the Freemasonry magazine "Le Symbolisme" March 1928 it is stated:
"It must be the first commandment of Freemasonry to glorify the Jewish race which has preserved the divine content of the secret unaltered."
Furthermore, the following is stated in "The Jewish Tribune", New York 28 October 1925:
"Freemasonry is built on Judaism. What remains of the Masonic rituals if you eliminate the doctrines of Judaism?"
In the "Jewish Guardian" for 12.4.1922, it says:
"Freemasonry is born of Israel." Can any reasonable person any longer doubt its true nature?
4. The symbols and "systems" of the lodges.
A fairly detailed account of the Masonic ceremonies and rituals is given in a later chapter. Only a brief overview will be given here.
Freemasonry's main symbols are the angle, the passer, the trowel and the Jewish 6 star. The first three objects are to symbolize the tools used to rebuild King Solomon's Jewish temple. According to the Masonic tradition, King Solomon was the first Freemason. The so-called Freemasons will now help complete the work begun by King Solomon, the Jewish world domination.
The Freemasonry of the world is, as previously mentioned, divided into different so-called systems which are in turn divided into * degrees". In its generality, the 33rd degree is the highest. But some lodges are also lined with 99 degrees. The ceremonies of these lodges do not differ significantly from the ceremonies according to the "Swedish system" on which the Norwegian Great Land Lodge, which was the largest lodge in Norway, was built. For the high degree numbers are almost symbolic, as several degrees are in reality one and the same degree.
The Norwegian large country lodge had about 11,000 "brothers", and Norway was for world Freemasonry nothing more than "the 10th trial.
5. The unity of Freemasonry.
There is only one Freemasonry in the world. I will prove this later. For the time being, I will only mention the following: At an international Masonic Congress in Berlin in 1913, a Gaelic high-degree brother, Lord Amphtill, stated the following:
"Whatever may come (he was probably thinking here of the world war which had long since been planned by Freemasonry) we will all follow the motto of the invisible fathers: because Freemasonry is one like the universe"
This statement is emphasized in the Masonic magazine "Brennende Zeitfiagen", and the editor and brother, the Jew Josef, adds:
"General Ludendorff is at least right when he asserts the unity of Freemasonry."
With regard to Norwegian Freemasonry's connection with foreign lodges, here is quoted a section of a letter that Wise Salomon's vicar for Norway, now deceased Supreme Court lawyer H. J. Rønneberg, wrote to "all brothers within the Norwegian Masonic Order". The letter is dated: "Oslo in March 1940", but was only sent out after the occupation.
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Here it says, among other things, following interesting lines:
"The Norwegian Masonic Order maintains a friendly relationship with other Masonic communities, which have the same ethical and cultural basis and purpose, especially the Swedish Freemason Order and the Danish Great Landsloge, but also with other grand lodges, e.g. the English, Scottish and Irish as well as the American ones.
These are the Norwegian Deputy Salomon's own words.
Furthermore, the high-degree brother Kothner says just as clearly: "The international brotherhood of Freemasons is the foundation on which the idea of the order rests."
As previously mentioned, Freemasonry is divided into degrees. This is so clearly arranged that a Freemason in the lower degrees does not have to know what is being done in the degrees above the one he himself is in. This ensures absolute secrecy of the business that is conducted by and in the highest lodging grades. This is one of the most important points in Freemasonry's working method.
After the walk through Akasien's road, the freemasons were symbolically circumcised at the admission to the 4th - 5th degree (which was one and the same degree) as a sign that they were "born again" as artificial Jews. This ceremony took place in front of the figure depicted on the left. In some lodges they had a male figure named "Harpocrates" instead of Cleopatra.
6. The international brotherhood.
When the Freemason has taken his oath of loyalty and obedience after being admitted into the Lodge, he becomes a Brother. All Freemasons worldwide are thus 'brothers'. Freemasonry thus forms an overarching international brotherhood, whose supreme leader in each country, that is, for each province, bears the title V.S.V., which is an abbreviation for 'Wisest Salamos Vikarius'. The supreme leader of each country is thus only a substitute for King Solomon. But who is 'King Solomon' himself? Well, it is undoubtedly a prominent Jew. Until the Second World War, for example, it was the German Jew Walther Rathenau, and today it is the French Jew and financial magnate, Baron Rothschild of Paris (now in the USA), who is the supreme leader. In other words, it is the will of this man, as the supreme representative of Judaism, to which all Norwegian Freemasons are subordinate.
In many countries, such as England, Sweden, and Denmark, kings hold the position of supreme leaders, acting as vicars in the tradition of King Solomon. This practice is reminiscent of a typical Freemasonic tactic, where the appointment of princes serves as a kind of ‘guarantee’ that Freemasonry does not engage in any activities harmful to the nation.
In reality, these princes have nothing in the world to say. In the masonic magazine "Latomia", the high-degree brother Professor S. Schletter writes the same; "When you give the princes power in the lodges, this only happens for the sake of appearances. They obviously don't have any real power," writes Schletter.
In all their naivety and gullibility, they only put themselves at the head of an organization working on their own downfall; for Freemasonry's goal is and will be the world republic, Rathenau, and many other high-degree Freemasons with him, have said so outright.
7. The symbolic circumcision.
The very worst and most shameful ceremony in the "Swedish system", is the symbolic circumcision, exactly according to the rituals from the Jewish "bible" Talmud, the Freemason must wear a swaddle apron like the Jewish high priests, and during the ceremony the swaddle apron is suddenly torn away and the brother is among other things, stabbed in the chest with the tip of a passer until the blood trickles out, this is then collected in a bowl together with the blood of other brothers. And at 9+ degrees, the brothers drink each other's blood, which has been drawn from the thumb and mixed with wine, so it will indeed be a drop of wisdom. These ceremonies are closely related to the Jewish circumcision ritual. The symbolic circumcision means that the Freemason is involved in society with the circumcised Jews, and thus has become an artificial Jew.
8. The terrible Masonic oaths.
Many of the oaths that Freemasons must swear are of such a nature that they are not suitable for publication. I will therefore only quote a couple of the more decorative oaths they have to swear. I find it 'required to quote the whole oath, as the end is the most important. After having taken the oath for quite a while, the brother says the following in St. John's Lodge:
"All this I swear with the firm, unshakable resolution to keep myself free from wavering and inward weakness and in the consciousness of the fate that awaits me if I break my word: namely, that my throat be cut, my tongue torn out by the root and is buried in the sand of the sea at low tide a cable's length from land, where the ebb and flow alternate every 24 hours. To that end, help me God (Jehovah) that I must be steadfast and keep my apprentice obligations."
9. St. Andrew's cross — the symbol of the death of the Nordic race.
As the highest award, the Freemason in the 6th degree receives the St Andrew's Cross. This cross depicts a fair-haired Aryan man, nailed to the Jewish St. Andrew's cross, ready to swagger like another animal. That the non-Jewish people are animals, and not real people, is exactly what the Jews are instilled in from the time they are small children. It is clearly stated in their "bible", the Talmud, as the first commandment from Jehovah, who is also the deity of Masonry, that "only you (the Jews) shall be called men, while the goyim, (the non-Jews) are only unclean animals".
10. The psychological effect of the ceremony.
The apparently insane ceremonies the Freemasons have to go through have their very definite meaning. It is all, seen from a psychological point of view, well thought out. Such ceremonies that the Freemasons have to go through will, in the long run, be able to deprive any person of all healthy self-respect and racial awareness. And the tragicomic tinge that rests on the ceremonies, of course, contributes to a great extent to the Freemasons keeping a close eye on them; for who wants one's fellow men to find out what abominations one has to find oneself in the masonic lodges?
The Jewish, international spirit with which all the ceremonies are imbued, of course, cannot fail to leave its mark on the Freemasons. They learn among the subject that there is no racial difference. All people are equal. And the discredited Jewish slogan from the French Revolution; "Freedom, equality and brotherhood" is also the freemason's language of choice. From the day a man enters the masonic lodge, his sense of nationalism and racial pride, if he has any, is carefully but purposefully undermined, and instead a Jewish spirit is instilled, so that he can finally become a perfectly good, artificial Jew. When one knows this, it is easier to understand how it is that so many people of Nordic descent can have such a purely Jewish attitude as many older Freemasons have.
Moreover, we must not forget the ghastly freemason oaths of which I gave a couple of examples earlier. One might think that these oaths are only symbolic. Of course, many Freemasons will claim that when they are presented with these. But this is absolutely not the case. The intense anxiety that all Freemasons have to break these oaths shows that they are far more serious and far more dangerous than they are symbolic. By means of these oaths, and under threat of the most terrible punishments for whoever breaks them, the Freemasons are made unwilling instruments in the service of international Jewry.
It might be of interest to know what the Jews think of the Masonic order working for their cause all over the world: "Wiener Journal" (manuscript for brothers), 2nd volume, 2nd booklet, page 62, writes:
"The wisest and best men have given our order a constitution, which shall eternally prove their insight. We walk about shrouded in triple darkness in the midst of our adversaries, seeing all their weakness and trying to gain dominion over their hearts and minds. Their passions are for us instruments by which we compel them to work for us and our cause, as they mean to satisfy their own purposes. In the shadow of their authority, the Freemasons work on their entrusted work. (That is, the creation of the Jewish world empire. — Forth note). The mighty, fearsome Freemason follows in your footsteps, scouts your steps, reads the innermost thoughts of your soul, watches over you in the darkness that envelops you. The secret influence of our order destroys all your plans.”
This is the declaration of war of the Jewish people to all other peoples, and this is the true aim and essence of the world lodges.
11. Freemasonry and Christianity.
It is objected from time to time by freemasons that Jews did not have access to the ordinary lodges. But this, like so much else that the Masonry claims, is not in accordance with the truth - In the register of the Norwegian Great Lodge, as well as in the other Norwegian registers, we find numerous Jews. Another issue is that these Jews had to be baptized. But it is a rather naive thought that a genuine Jew would become a different and better person because if you pour a couple of handfuls of water over his head. (Martin Luther, in recognition of this, was a decided opponent of the baptism of Jews). In addition, the Orthodox Jews have their own lodges, e.g. "B'nai B'iith" and "Union Israilitt Universell", both with headquarters in New York, and these lodges are again in the most intimate connection with all the other Masonic lodges of the world.
Believing that Freemasonry is "Christian" because if the system, e.g. The Norwegian large country lodge worked according to, demanding that the brothers be baptized, is completely wrong. Freemasonry is based entirely on the Jewish: Old Testament and on the Jewish "bible" Talmud, and derives all its symbols from the Jewish textbook in occultism and sorcery: the Kabbalah. — That the Bible for Freemasons is nothing more than a symbol is shown by the following quotations from the so-called Masonic catechism, which was used, among other things, in the lodges here in Norway: "The Bible must be an image of piety, not piety itself.... One could have also chosen a different symbol. The Muhammadans (Muslims) = have the Koran and the Israelites the Old Testament. But because the Bible is only a symbol, Mohammedans and Israelites can also look up to it as a Masonic shrine". Freemasons reveal themselves here as an enemy of Christianity.
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The goal of Freemasonry and communism is the destruction of the existing order and the creation of a naturalistic, atheistic civilization, whose religion is science and reason. In other words, pure materialism. And the bearers of the materialistic view of life have always been, and are, the Jews. That Freemasonry is atheistic is denied by most of the brothers - But there, too, they have been led astray.
Many credulous Freemasons believe that the "G" in the 6-edge above that lights up everywhere in Masonic lodges means God. — That this does not agree with the facts is proven by Landstosjemlojsen's own "question book", which says that "G" means Geometry, thus a symbol of the purest materialism. (confer point 55, article 3 of St. John's fellow brother's question book.)
There is so much talk about the human refinement Freemasonry promotes. Let's take a closer look at this. In the Great Norwegian Land Lodge's constitution, it is stated quite clearly in Article 7:
"If a brother breaks the oath of secrecy that he swore on his entry into the order, by letting strangers or brothers of lower degrees know what was not entrusted to him about the affairs of the order, he is subject to the penalty that he himself has submitted to entry into the order. Namely, that his throat shall be cut off, his heart, his tongue and his entrails shall be torn out and thrown into the depths of the sea, that his body shall be burned to ashes and scattered to the winds."
In another oath something similar is said, only with the following change, namely; that his liver shall be burned away with red-hot iron, his hands are cut off, his tongue is torn out and his throat is slit." After the Freemason has taken these terrible oaths and signed them with his blood, the Presiding Master says to him the following:
"You must be safe from the avenging hand wherever you walk on earth wherever there are upright and honest brothers who know their duty".
One might think that all this sounds incredible, and that these oaths and curses are only found in the lodges of the Orient. But the truth is that these oaths, no matter how oriental they may sound, and they are also oriental in their innermost essence, so what is sworn in the lodge building on the corner of Stortingaten and Nedre Vollgate in the middle of Oslo city center is nevertheless accurate and verbatim. It must have a strange attitude towards life, which can be called "human refinement".
13. Why Freemasons?
It is probably no urge for human refinement that has driven most people into the lodges. — A person who honestly and sincerely strove for refinement should rather have had reason to leave the lodge the same day he entered and publicly speak out against their activities.What actually drove people into the lodges was, for some, an uncontrollable greed to see what was going on there, coupled with a purely human urge for occultism and mystery. But for the vast majority of people, the assurance of the social benefits of brotherhood in the lodge could provide the most important driving force for membership, the Masonic lodges were to a great extent a hotbed of camaraderie and corruption. It was of great importance, e.g. in the business world to be an active Freemason. A well-known businessman just said during a difficult trial in Oslo (according to a report in "Aftenposten" in connection with Lysverk's case) that it was almost impossible to run a business without being a Freemason. Freemasons were also obliged to take each other into account when they were employed in the state and municipality. And in this connection one should not forget that the Freemasons did not represent national interests, but primarily the interests of world Jewry.
There is an intimate connection between Masonic occultism and medieval devil worship. The picture above shows the terrifying monster that is cultivated in a number of the lodges around the world that were intimately connected with the "Norwegian" large country lodge.
14. The Masonic "charity".
The charity exercised by Freemasonry in Norway, represented by the large Norwegian Landslodge, was limited to the following: The Landslodge kept a home for elderly Freemasons or the widows of Freemasons out on Bygdøy. There, an apartment in a couple of small rooms cost NOK. 10,000.00 as a one-off payment. So you can hardly call such a purchase charity. Then the Freemasonry House held a bazaar every Christmas, and for the amount received, around 50 poor children were clothed. In addition, the Norwegian large country lodge ran an orphanage in Orkerød for the children of deceased five-year-olds. The conditions that prevailed there are the best proof that Freemasonry's so-called benevolence is only camouflage to cast a veil of disinterestedness and innocence over the actual tasks of the lodges.
In 1935, the final details of the scandalous conditions at Okerød came to light. Here I will quote from "Dagbladet" a bit about life there:
"I would rather see my children dead than for them to come to Orkerød," said one who himself had the misfortune to benefit from the country lodge's charity. "The punishment methods were the most barbaric," says another Orkerred boy. "The director (who was a high mason. Fast note) hit us in the face with his fist. Once I got 21 strokes of the cane because I held a door open to a class meeting."
A third boy says:
"I think with horror of the time I spent at Orkerød."
This is how the vaunted charity was in practice.
15. The "raised hands"
Apart from the unique benevolence that was exercised at Grkerød, the Freemasons' charity consisted in helping each other as long as they mutually benefited from it, or if it benefited Freemasonry. But not anymore either. — If a brother went bankrupt, so that he could no longer pay his dues; yes, then he was simply asked to stay away from the lodge. But he still had to keep his promises and oaths, and it is generally all the Freemasons who for one reason or another leave the lodge, if they do not dare to take up the fight against the lodge's so-called vengeful revenge. The avenging hands are a kind of Freemasonry executive committee that executes the sentences against disobedient brothers that the lodge's high council has passed.
There are quite a few freemasons here in Norway who have dared to take up the fight against freemasonry by openly breaking with the lodge. But as a rule, it has not been very long before they have found it best to "put the pipe in the bag". One of these was lawyer Jacob Lindboe, who broke away from "Den Norske Store Landsloge" in 1890 and directed a scathing criticism of its activities. Later, however, he was forced to form a new lodge, namely "Polarstjernen".
16. The invisible power.
Lagmann Linboe says, among other things, in his disclosures:
"Everything in the lodge goes against the pacifism that is seen daily, and which in and of itself is a poisoning of society."
We saw how this Masonic spirit before 9 April 1940 had an effect in the political area in this country. We saw how this Masonic spirit before 9 April 1940 had an effect in the political area in this country. Throughout, Jewish Freemasonry laid its paralyzing hand over everything national and healthy and good that sought to make its way into the political arena. The entire Norwegian press that was of any importance to public opinion was in the hands of Freemasonry. If you tried to get an article, for example, about Freemasonry or the Jewish question or the racial question into a bourgeois or Marxist newspaper, you could feel sure that it went straight into the wastebasket. It didn't matter if it was a newspaper on the far right or extreme left. All of them were controlled by this completely Jewish view of everything and everyone.
When you reflect a little on these hidden secrets, you understand what a hypocritical sham the so-called "battle" between the bourgeois and the Marxists was. The good and powerful and clear-sighted forces that no doubt existed within certain parties, they were without further ado so that the idyll in the political arena would not be disturbed. For all intents and purposes, the people still had to live in blissful ignorance of the fact that international Freemasonry, which dominated primarily the bourgeois parties and the bourgeois press, was working in its own way for exactly the same goal as the Marxists, namely total Jewish world domination. - Of course, I do not want to claim that all bourgeois and Marxist politicians consciously worked towards this goal. But all cover-ups, both in our country and in other countries, show more than clearly enough that these people, all as one, were more or less unwilling pawns in the Jews' high game for the realization of the satanic Jewish world domination plan.
This was e.g. case with the German Foreign Minister Stresemann. During a case against Freemasonry in Germany on March 17, 1932, the Grand Master of the German lodge "Die drei Weltkugeln" had to admit to having written the following in the "Vossiche Zeitung" for September 10, 1929:
"On the whole, it is impossible to say of Stresemann that he proved himself to be a faithful and entirely subordinate member of his Grand Lodge. He, the great statesman, with the broad vision and the great results (namely the humiliation of Germany, previous note.) of his life's work, always asked me for advice before making his decisions in international affairs."
Under such conditions, is it any exaggeration to speak of the Freemasons as unwilling tools of Freemasonry whose goal is, after all, the goal of Judaism?
The German high-degree freemason Köthner says the same thing in his book "Das letzte Geheimnis":
"Public opinion, which is led by parties, associations and the press, is dictated by the lodges." "The views and moods that largely moved the country's population are always influenced by Freemasonry's secret slogans and instructions, emanating from the country's highest Freemason leadership."
High-degree brother Köthner writes further something that one should take note of. He writes the following in connection with the blind and sighted historiography:
"There is a history of thoughts and actions that do not come to light and are never written. There are uncontrollable influences which are active at all times, and which determine the fate of both the individual and the entire nation. Impacts that extend across all human areas, but which will nevertheless have an incomprehensibly large impact. This effect which the secret propaganda exerts in the service of Freemasonry often does not lead to conspicuous results for long periods of time. But when the necessary time has come, the external shock given, then the effect of the propaganda in the lives of the peoples and among the nations also emerges in the light of day as world-historical events."
If you see these words in the context of the British Prime Minister Baldewins, whom I mentioned at the beginning, then scales must fall from everyone's eyes.
Some of the world's banknotes, coins and stamps have Masonic symbols. You can only look at a Norwegian krone note where the ground surface of the 6th degree hall with forecourt is clearly marked. At the bottom of the krone banknote you see 11 St. Andreas crosses which The Norwegian Great Landslodge has degrees — A strange "coincidence"
17. The aims of Freemasonry.
What the Jews intend with these bodies of theirs, such as Freemasonry and organized Marxism, is to sow discord and unrest within the peoples and between the peoples, and also by suppressing the nationalistic and racially conscious personalities and paving the way for their domination. Because the moral, spiritual and cultural decay in general is, as always, a consequence of the Jewish subversion, it is not only due to the fact that the Jewish people are a rootless, internationally crushed interpreter without any independent culture, but it is due above all the purely criminal planning with which the Jews work on the downfall of the other peoples. Judaism has worked on this level for many hundreds of years.
18. Freemasonry as a murderous league.
International Jewry spares no means of oppressing those who oppose it. Recklessly, any dangerous opponent is, if deemed necessary, cleared of the way by poison and other means. In the magazine "Volkszeitung", which was an organ of the Reform Jews in Berlin, in 1923 there was the following remarkable sentence: "No Jew's enemy's death is yet a natural death." And why? Yes, the truth is that the Masonic influence intervenes in all historiography of importance, as Brother Köthner mentioned. Martin Luther e.g. was killed with poison when he incited the fight against Judaism.
19. Freemasonry as the instigator of wars and
20. Freemasonry and the World War 1914 — 1918.
Germany's evil spirit. Jew. One of the top leaders of the World Freemasonry. Worked during the World War intimately with the leading Freemasons of the Entente on the destruction of Germany. Was Minister of Foreign Affairs during the November Republic (Weimar Republic)
Let us look a little more closely at the World War 1914 — 1918. There is so much weighty evidence that it was planned in every detail by Freemasonry from beginning to end that for any normally gifted person there can be no reason to doubt this.
As early as 1890, the English masonic magazine "Truth" published an article about what was to come. The article was accompanied by a larger picture in the form of a map of Europe where all the countries have been made into republics, and in a corner you see the German Emperor Wilhelm II as a refugee, who already as crown prince had refused to join Freemasonry in order to become an obedient instrument of the Jews. The map is reproduced elsewhere in this book, It speaks its own clear language about the planning with which everything was arranged. — Judaism's goal before the World War was the following:
First and foremost to destroy Germanic Germany and Orthodox Russia. In Germany, Freemasonry therefore made sure to give the real leadership in the country to the Högrad brothers, the financial magnate and the Jew Rathenau and the half-Jew Bethmann-hollweg. The latter became a fanatical and convinced helper of Rathenau's Jewish plans.
During a Masonic congress in Berlin in 1910, where Rathenau was present, the initiated and witnessing high degree brother, the financial magnate, the social democrat and the Jew Singer stated, among other things, the following:
"The European war is coming as soon as you see me sitting here; because our high finance wants it"
And who are they who always direct the high finance? Yes, it is Judaism through its most important organizational tool: international Freemasonry. Even the assassination of the Archduke, which was the external prelude to the World War, was planned several years in advance. A letter that Brother Köthner from the German Grand Land Lodge handed over on 28 October 1913 at 11.15 in the morning, to the reigning Grand Master Count of Dohna-Schlodien in the order house of the so-called Freemasonry in Berlin, Eisenacherstrasse 12, according to minutes in the Masonic magazine "Femstern":
"As a boy from 1911 to 1913, naively and unknowingly, I had discovered in the lodges of other cities and countries things that shook me violently. Because I got random evidence that Freemasonry was planning something terrible against Germany. By listening to carelessly thrown remarks, I found out the plan for the Archduke's murder and the subsequent world war which was to rule the throne and the estate and the very subject, right down to the smallest details.
I immediately went to the Land Grand Master Count Dohna with this terrible knowledge of mine and confided to him privately what I had heard with my own ears and seen with my own eyes. But it made no impression on him. This conversation, which should have led to a break with all grand lodges abroad, ended with the country grandmaster's categorical declaration: Only one freemasonry is given."
What Count Ezernius writes in his book "Im Weltkrieg" is also quite startling. Among other things, he writes:
"He, the archduke and heir to the throne, was fully aware of the assassination plot threatening him. A year before the outbreak of war, I received information from him that the Freemasons had decided on his death. He also mentioned the city in which this decision had been made. I have forgotten its name. He also mentioned the name of various Austrian and Hungarian officers who must know about it."
The biggest mistake the Archduke made was that he did not approach his people with his knowledge, but instead let the Freemasons keep the battlefield alone.
The so-called "righteous and perfect" Serbian Grand Lodge had been ordered to carry out the murder which would then set the world on fire as planned. I will not give a detailed description of the actual murder of Duke Franz Ferdinand here, but I will quote something that shows how the jurists judge the whole thing:
The Norwegian legal scholar, Professor Dr. Herman Harris Aall states, among other things, in his book on the guilt of war:
"Through the behavior of the murderers, the participation of the Freemasons runs like a red thread. And when the Supreme Court judge asked one of the murderers, when he was in doubt, whether there was not a powerful Masonic order behind the murderous plan or whether it was the imagination of the accused, the latter replied: "Yes, that is the pure truth, and a hundred times truer than Narodna Obiana's {a Serbian Grand Lodge) documents.”
Professor Aall also says that the murder has its origins in high political, i.e. Freemasonry circles. He says:
"That the forces in question are political is proven by the fact that it is a political event of rank, and likewise that in these countries the highest political positions are occupied by important Freemasons, In France we have, among others, Poincare, Clemenceau, Viviani, Domergue , Briand, Millerand, Ribot, Delcasse and Joffre. In England we have Sir Edward Grey, Lloyd George, Churchill, Haldane, Asguit and Buchanan. In Russia we have Grand Duke Isvolsky and Sassenov, in Italy Sonino and in the United States President Wilson etc. . etc. All these are Freemasons."
How it all developed further, it will fall too far to describe here. But I just want to mention that it was a matter of course that countries such as England, Italy and the U.S.A. went towards Germany. After all, all these countries were completely in the hands of the Freemasons. The whole world was to be mobilized at the command of the Jews to be sacrificed as a second sacrifice on the altar of the Jewish and Masonic god Jehovah.
In full masonic gear. he was considered one of his own
the "greatest" Freemasons of the time, and probably not without reason, as he was a fanatical German hater and initiated English domestic policy against Germany. — As pointed out elsewhere in this book, Freemasonry's aim was formerly primarily the destruction of Imperial Germany and Czarist Russia.
Throughout the World War, there were masonic gatherings both in Holland, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland, where freemasons from the Central Powers met their "brothers" from the enemy countries.
All of this was possible for the reason that Germany's political leadership was in the hands of the Masonic Jews Bethmann-Hollweg and Rathenau. - One could wonder if Germany didn't break up faster than it did, when you think of the great power that stood against it both outside and inside. The fact that it lasted as long as it did is due to the nationally conscious and energetic personalities who had a place in the leadership, and of course to the German people's own strength and discipline. But in the long run, under such conditions, it was not possible to stand against such an enormous superior force that used such cynical means. Germany fell apart and the Emperor was persuaded to go to Holland, as the magazine "Truth" wrote in 1890. After the Emperor's departure from the country, the high-degree Freemason and Jewish descendant Prince Max von Baden, who had now become German Chancellor, and who was among the "knowing" brothers, to a correspondent: "Everything that the German Empire and its confederates are experiencing today is the result of silent, underground work over many years." And this is true as it is said. Freemasonry and thus the Jews had got what they wanted, and to complete the work, all the prominent representatives of Jewish high finance and Freemasonry came together in Paris, to dictate peace to Germany and to establish the League of Nations which the beginning of a Jewish-ruled Pan-Europe.
The leading figure in all these efforts was the man who dictated the infamous Treaty of Versailles, the Jew and B'nai B'rith brother Baruch who is today one of President Roosevelt's closest associates, yes, tactically the actual dictator behind the scenes.
Max Warburg.
One of the Jewish rulers in Germany after the Marxist revolution. High Degree Freemason. Enriched colossally on the misfortune of the German people. Was a "German" delegate at the 1919 Peace Conference.
Matthias Erzberger.
Jew and High Degree Freemason, the infamous leader of the German Center Party. Committed during the World War the worst crimes against Germany
21. Freemasonry and the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
The country where Judaism is most firmly seated today is Soviet Russia. Let's take a look at who it was that led the most cruel and blood-drenching of all revolutions in world history, the revolution in Russia, which broke out in Petrograd in 1917.
The French Jew and freemason Boulay went to Russia in 1909 to reorganize secret lodges there after the old lodges had been banned by the tsar after the revolution in 1905, which were also the work of Jews and freemasons from first to last. When he returned to Paris, he stated the following at a Masonic assembly; "If the tsar could see the list of the Freemasons, he would find there many names of personalities who were close to him." And during a party that the Sfororient lodge in Paris held for brother Boulay on 20 October 1910, the party speaker stated, among other things:
"History will tell that you, brother Boulay, have the honor of having created the symbolic tabernacles at the river and at the Kremlin."
Furthermore, the celebratory speaker stated that the tasks of the secret lodges should be, "to follow developments in silence and to be prepared to intervene in the fate of the kingdom if the circumstances require it by order of the invisible fathers."
However, the lodges did not follow the development so quietly, because already on 14 September 1911, the Russian Minister Stolypin, who was the most prominent enemy of Jews and Freemasons in Russia, was murdered. Minister Stolypin. was just one of the many patriotic Russians who had to succumb to the murderous hands of Freemasonry. Freemasonry took hold more and more in Russia. When the time was found to be right, the Freemasons moved the Tsar to declare war on Germany, so that they could more easily complete their "work" to bring the mighty and proud empire to disintegration. In 1917, the tsar was arrested, and the Jew and High Freemason Kerenski formed a government and paved the way to the best of his ability for a complete Jewish revolution under the leadership of Freemason brothers and the Jews Braunstem-Trotzky, Radek-Sobelsohn, as well as Stalin and the half-Jew Lenin. With the help of his Freemason brother, the German half-Jew and chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg, he was sent from Switzerland, where he stayed in exile through Germany to Petrograd in a sealed railway carriage. And the entire Red Revolution was financed by international Jewish finance under the leadership of the Jews and high-grade freemasons Otto Kohn and Jacob Schiff in New York, and the Swedish Jew and high-degree freemason and multi-millionaire Olof Aschberg in Stockholm. Thus, the Jewish leadership that many naive Norwegians support today is entirely a product of Freemasonry's activities.
I myself learned the true connection between Bolshevism and Judaism when, in 1937, I made a trip to Leningrad, Moscow and Kiev. I got a clear insight into how a small Jewish ruling clique lived high at the expense of a Russian people oppressed and exploited to the extreme. I became completely convinced that the whole of "communism* is nothing more than a shell for the most ruthless Jewish imperialism.
22. Freemasonry's international and supranational character
I will mention some statements of high degree brothers who have had the courage to break out of the lodges and expose them as their conscience told them. I believe that these statements from Freemasons will, better than most, shed light on the true essence of Freemasonry. One should only remember here that the statements that apply in e.g. German Freemasonry also applies to Norwegian; for it is given, as I have previously clearly demonstrated, only one Freemasonry even though there are many lodges. Moreover, the German grand lodge worked according to exactly the same ritual as the Norwegian one, namely the so-called Swedish system.
Freemason brother von Knigge (leading member of the Order of the Illuminati) writes in 1816; "Freemasonry is a means of promoting the secret, esoteric kingdom of the Jews."
The previously mentioned bend degree brodei Didler writes: "Freemasonry's secret leadership consists exclusively of Jews." This is also what Walther Rathenau, who himself was among the top 33 Jewish leaders of world Freemasonry, openly admits. He also says that these 33 leaders are Jewish financiers and statesmen. When one dies, the remaining choose his successor, Walther Rathenau did not mention the number 33, but 300. But General Ludendorff and other German Freemason researchers believe they can prove that the leadership only consists of 33 Jews of the 33rd Freemason degree. People are currently in Germany exploring the seized masonic archives in depth, and these cards may possibly provide answers to this and other interesting masonic questions. However, it should only be mentioned here that in the archives of the German Grand Land Lodge, among other things, a protocol has been found from an international congress of the 350 highest freemasons in the world, which was held in Lausanne in 1909. Of these 350 highest freemasons in the world, 300 were pure Jews, according to what the investigations carried out have proven.
The famous high knight Garibaldi has made the following confession about the nature of Freemasonry: "The road we must walk is a terrible road. Our hearts must not harbor any kind of pity.”
I have previously mentioned a number of proofs that Freemasonry knows no human pity, and one could easily fill a whole book alone with descriptions of Masonic acts of murder and violence throughout the ages.
Should these lowly Asian bastards, who have never been able to create any independent culture of importance, really be superior to us Norwegians in any area? Of course, we ignore the Jews' unique skill as hypocrites, deceivers and liars, and as negative critics and cultural destroyers. Because when it comes to these areas, the Jews are unconditionally superior to us Nordic people in "skill".
The real reason for the numerically dominant position of the Jews in the intellectual and economic field vis-a-vis their hosts is due, in addition to their disdain for manual labor, to their morbid desire for money and their solidarity. The basis for the Jews' domination of the world's gold reserves was obtained by the Jews with the help of the "recipe" for this, which the founder of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, gave to his tribesmen:
"I tell you straight out, stroke the prison wall with your coat sleeve, because that's the way to become a millionaire."
It must be completely blind, who cannot see that the machinations of Freemasonry are the real origin of the now ongoing world war. Both before the last world war and before this war, Freemasonry, with the help of the highest Freemasons the world over, has sown that hatred and uncontrollable rage between the nations which must necessarily find its release in the ioim of a bloody war.
The driving force here has been Judaism for whom Freemasonry as an organization is only a tool for achieving total Jewish world domination. It was therefore a simple matter for anyone familiar with the Jewish question to be able to predict when Hitler took power in Germany that the Jews and Jewish Freemasonry, which had complete control of Great Britain, America (both North and South) as well as Soviet Russia, would sooner or later provoking a war in the hope of thereby crushing the anti-Jewish, anti-capitalist, anti-communist and anti-masonic Germany whose new social policy represented a mortal danger to the realization of the Jews' world domination.
43. Freemason intrigues in Italy, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania and Norway.
Here in Norway, during this war, we have had ample opportunity to trace the work of the secret dark forces. And not least in Italy, we have seen how these forces led by high-degree freemasons Victor Emmanuel, Umberia and Badoglio, seconded by helpers of the same caliber within Mussolini's own ranks, have committed one of the most disgusting betrayals world history has been able to tell about. Undoubtedly, the Italian masonic jackasses acted on the orders of King Solomon himself, who today, naturally enough, is on the side of the allies.
In most countries that do not fight for England and thus for world Jewry, the sabotage supported by English-oriented Freemason circles is noticed daily. They act as brake pads, and they have non-Masonic lackeys everywhere.
When the history of this war is to be written, it will certainly bring as hair-raising revelations in connection with the work of Freemasonry behind the scenes, as the revelations in connection with the preceding world war, which I have presented to the readers earlier in this book. But some sensational information is available about Freemasonry's "work" behind the scenes in Italy.
44. Freemasonry in Norway today.
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