Abridged extract of a battle script against the spiritual and moral dissolution process in our people.
Published by NS 1934.
By Dr. Gulbrand Lunde
In NS's program point 25 it says:
«The press, theatres, cinemas, broadcasting and other cultural institutions to support the interests of the nation. Anti-social propaganda and the spreading of class-hatred to be strictly forbidden.»
This must be seen in connection with a number of other points, thus particularly point 20:
«The family and home to be protected. Respect for women's homework and motherhood to be raised.»
The anti-social propaganda is particularly aimed at family life and seeks to force women away from the home, which is the foundation of any orderly society. Furthermore, this point must be seen in connection with point 22:
«The fundamental value of the Christian religion to be protected.», when the anti-social propaganda also attacks Christianity, which is ridiculed and mocked. Further point 23:
«Better and quicker school education, with special attention to the formation of character, social consciousness, physical development and practical life.»
In schools, the anti-social propaganda has been given an increasingly freer and wider scope. Instead of emphasizing character formation and community spirit, we find teachers who more or less directly instill in students Marxist hatred of society and a materialistic outlook on life. However, these things must also be seen in connection with point 5:
«Law and Justice to be rigorously enforced. The State to assume control of the Police. Corruption and dishonesty to be counteracted by all possible means and respect for Justice raised. The use of inexpert jurors to be reduced accordingly.»
The socially destructive elements have already gained such a strong grip on the people that we cannot even trust our courts.
A spiritual crisis.
All the questions touched on here must be seen in context and based on the basic view on which NS is based. We believe that the crisis that our people are in is not just a temporary economic crisis, which can be remedied by crisis plans and more or less rigorous interventions in our working life by a minority government without the trust of the people, but that we are primarily in a great spiritual crisis. The economic crisis and all the difficulties it brings with it are in reality only an outward expression of the spiritual crisis in the people. And it is against the background of this spiritual crisis that we must see all the work of degradation that takes place daily in our society, the work of dissolution and subversion whose ultimate goal is society's collapse and ruin.
If we are to gain clarity about and recognize this socially destructive activity, we must first of all make ourselves clear which forces are behind this work. Furthermore, we must seek to uncover the whole essence of this propaganda and its many pay-ways.
Marxism is a reaction against liberal capitalism.
When you talk about anti-social propaganda, most people will probably think that it is limited to the activities of the Communist Party, and that it consists of these people occasionally, generally without much success, inciting the workers to armed struggle against the police and society. Such an opinion reveals a poor knowledge of the whole problem and a poor knowledge of Marxism and its entire essence. The entire Marxist doctrine has emerged as a reaction against liberal capitalism. Liberal capitalism celebrates unrestricted freedom in the economic area, as it was believed that the better off the individual in the state was, the better off the entire state was. But the opposite has been the case. The law of the free play of forces was elevated to a kind of moral and economic gospel. The state was to directly support those who sought to acquire wealth. The free play of forces in reality led to the development of capitalism in such a form that capital has actually become a power, not only in the state, but also over people.
Liberal capitalism is to blame for the injustice.
Money, which was originally a medium of exchange, has become a power in itself. The money has become a means of the most brutal abuse of people's freedom and rights. Darwin's theory of development, according to which all life is in a constant struggle, so that always the most suitable forms survive the others and continue development, was a perfect fit for liberalism. "The most skilled" shall win. The free play of forces thus becomes a ruthless battle for wealth and power at the expense of others. The most skilled had the right, the one who could most ruthlessly sweep aside his competitors and work his way forward, leaving want and misery in his wake. And this whole system has fostered a corrupt materialistic spirit, which has penetrated everywhere in the people. Everywhere individuals seek to acquire material advantages, while all spiritual values are forgotten.
This ever-increasing, reckless struggle for material goods has created an underclass, consisting of those who came to be inferior in the struggle, and as a reaction against this insane system we got the socialist labor movement, which little by little has completely fallen into the hands of the marxists. Since the Marxist doctrine has emerged as a reaction against liberal capitalism, one presupposes the other.
The way to earthly paradise is Lenin's way.
Based on the materialist-Marxist view, the following path must be taken to this earthly paradise: All private property, which is the main source of inequality in society, must be abolished. All property owners must be deprived of their property. Everything must belong to the state. People should only be allowed to use all benefits as a kind of grace from the state.
Now man, as we have seen, is, according to the Marxists, a very simple device. You just have to know the drive springs and understand how to steer them in the right direction. "Social man" is also very simple, after Marx has succeeded in clarifying the laws for his life. It is now only necessary to act according to Marx's teachings as Lenin has done.
Yes, but all this has very little interest for our country, many would say. The Norwegian Labor Party distances itself from Russia.
No, it absolutely does not. The Norwegian Labor Party's program is just as Marxist — Bolshevik — Communist as that of the Russian Bolsheviks and the Norwegian Communists. They will of course be loathe to admit it, but when the most extreme Marxists tease them too much, they occasionally come forward with completely undisguised confessions. This is how Finn Moe, who sits on the central board of the Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking (A.U.F.) in the youth's official organ "Arbeider-Ungdommen", writes in 1934 about the Arbeiderpartiet's crisis plan:
"What the plan is, is an excellent basis for raising the great masses of the people to support the party's policy and then lead them to the great power struggle that must come. It's Lenin's policy from 1917 all over again." ("Arbeiderungdommen", no. 5, 1934).
It is exactly the same thing that Lenin did in Russia that these people intend to carry out with us. We will now take a look at how such a revolution takes place.
The communist revolution as it prevails in Russia and as it is being prepared in all other countries has three stages.
The three stages of revolution.
In the first phase, the state "takes over" all property. You start with the richest and continue down to the poorest. All people whose property "taw" takes over sink into the most terrible misery. Large parts of the population, especially the intellectual and most skilled, completely perish and partially become extinct (especially those who have had the most property).
In the second phase we see how a general proletariat arises in this way. Everyone becomes a proletarian, all economic activity is paralyzed. Everyone becomes a slave under the power of the state, which gets an absolute labor monopoly.
In the third phase, these proletarians mature to the final socialization, to fully "social individuals" in a communist state, where everything is carried out according to the state's plans, and where everyone works as slaves in the great production apparatus. In this, life will be the same for everyone. Everyone should live together, work together, live together, marry each other and enjoy earthly happiness.
Social conditions are blamed for all distress and misery.
Through propaganda, the Marxists seek by all means to win as many supporters as possible for the fight against the existing society, as many supporters as possible for the view that society must be brought down to make better conditions possible. In this<>in propaganda the Marxists spare no means, everything is permitted as long as it promotes the revolution. It is characteristic of this agitation that it exploits any difficulty of a transitory or permanent nature, any emergency in its agitation. Social conditions are blamed for all difficulties and for all misery. Conclusion: Society must be shut down and the communist state introduced! We see how the entire Marxist press is built up as a single piece of propaganda for the revolution. Everything that happens is exploited for propaganda purposes.
"All property rights are theft!"
Here the Marxists immediately draw the conclusion: All property rights are theft, all property rights must be abolished! The state must confiscate all property and -kapc fair conditions! Here the Marxists have an excellent point in their propaganda. Most of the exploited in society today have little or nothing to lose, and immediately follow the slogan of a propertyless society. All work in society to improve conditions for the propertyless and seek to create better conditions for them is, on the other hand, opposed to the fiercest by the Marxists. It is necessary to keep the masses down in misery and to keep the dissatisfaction the same. Otherwise, the social struggle stagnates. No one must succeed in convincing the worker that justice can be achieved in any other way than by the abolition of property rights.
In the same way, every state of emergency in society is exploited. All of the fully or partially unemployed live in difficult family circumstances, especially because they live too cramped. Thereby the moral conditions are easily relaxed. The Marxists immediately say that these conditions cannot be improved without the complete and utter dissolution of the family. The whole of family life in its present form is only a bourgeois prejudice.
Temperance movement and class struggle.
In the same way, they also seek to draw idealistic people into the Bolshevik struggle. I will only mention the abstinence movement here. Under the pretense of particularly supporting the abstinence movement, workers’ abstinence teams are organized, whose main tasks are socialist propaganda. In order to join the employee abstinence team ‘Frisinn,’ members must commit to:
«1. At every opportunity to promote the interests of the working class and participate in its emancipation work.
2. To refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and not to contribute to anyone being supplied with them, as well as on every occasion to combat the sale of alcohol.
3. Do not be affiliated with any civil abstinence or sports organisation.
4. To protect the team and its interests and promote the idea of camaraderie among the members.»
«It is characteristic that the first post concerns the work for socialism, first in the second row comes the abstinence work. In addition, there must be a sharp front against civic organizations with the «same purpose». On the occasion of this group's work over 25 years, the Marxist Magnus Karlson concludes his jubilee article as follows:
«Frisinn's» work in the past 25 years has primarily been fruitful for the Stavanger Labor Party in whose work most of «Frisinn's» members have participated vigorously.
The team is wished luck on its 25th anniversary and continued happiness, continued «growth for the benefit of the working class.»1)
Source: 1) Dagbladet (The newspaper) «1. May», Stavanger, 29 June 1934.»
The Stormtroopers of Labor Sports.
Workers' sports have been run in the same way. Originally, it was said that workers' sports should form a counterweight to the "star sports" of the bourgeois organisations. In reality, workers' sports must also significantly serve the revolution. "Socialist enlightenment" comes to the fore here. In addition, according to the decision of 1928, workers' sports should "be the movement which trains the strong cadres from which the working class can draw its stormtroopers in the revolutionary battles that lie ahead, and which must be imbued with implacable hatred of the bourgeoisie". The purpose of the formation of this "sport" is thus quite clear.
The Fatherland is the «rulers» society.
Those who are dissatisfied are often told that the blame lies with the rulers of society. Consequently, they lack interest in protecting or even maintaining society. On the contrary, they find themselves supporting the disaffected and subjugated in other countries. The proposed solution to this difficulty is the abolition of national borders. Thus, a call for internationalism—a world of Soviet republics—is preached, advocating a fight against the concept of the fatherland. Patriotism is portrayed as a tool used by rulers to maintain power over oppressed workers. The defense of the fatherland, including the army and navy, is presented as a means for the upper class to preserve its power. Consequently, efforts are made to weaken society’s defenses. Anti-military propaganda abounds, and Christianity is depicted as opposing war and military service. Meanwhile, new recruits are drawn into the united front through pacifism. Notably, the agitation remains silent about the simultaneous encouragement of the working class to arm themselves and fight against their own brethren within society. In this context, the end justifies the means.
The authority is made suspect.
«And then there was Fridtjof Nansen. Magnificent man. The North Pole 1905. The famine in Russia. The refugees from Armenia. The League of Nations — and the Fedrelandslaget.
Discerning the things, that was not exactly his business. He was a great man and a simple man. When someone said: the fatherland, he turned and answered: yes?» *)
The courts issue class judgments.
By constantly suspecting and ridiculing the leaders of the people in this way, the faith of the masses in the entire legal order of the state is undermined. The agitation immediately goes a step further and portrays the law as aimed at oppressing workers (referred to as “penitentiary laws”). The courts are therefore seen as mere tools for the rulers to suppress the working class. On this point, the work of undermining has already progressed significantly, and it is not uncommon for the courts to rule against society’s interests. In some parts of the country, we already have class courts and class justice. The situation has escalated to the point where even the Supreme Court, which was supposed to be our highest judicial authority, has declared opponents of society—people who openly declare themselves enemies of society.
After this brief overview, one will understand that anti-social propaganda is like a many-headed monster that gnaws at society from all sides. Unfortunately, it is not possible to address all the questions mentioned above in this short brochure. I will specifically touch on the issue of moral subversion in our society today.
In order to understand the entire anti-religious and anti-church agitation being propagated by Marxist elements, one must first recognize that Marxists constitute a battlefront directed against existing society. This struggle adheres to a rather specific doctrine—materialist Marxism—which views the equal distribution of material goods as the ultimate goal, akin to an earthly paradise. All thoughts and ideas are denied any independent existence; they are merely products of social conditions, including religion. Religion is portrayed as a tool employed by capitalists to keep the exploited masses ignorant and subservient.
It is crucial to clarify the true nature of religion for the masses. This involves openly acknowledging that religious education should not be removed from schools. Instead, it should be transformed into teaching about religion, focusing on the Marxist perspective. For instance, students should learn how religion has historically been exploited to maintain the subjugation of the working class.
’) Arnulf Øverland: Yes, we sell this land, Fram Forlag, Oslo, 1933.
«Fear has given rise to gods. No one can predict where the destruction of capitalism will strike, but every hour of the day, it looms over the heads of workers and peasants. Unexpectedly and suddenly, it can strike, tearing everything away from them, annihilating their lives. All at once, they are reduced to beggars, paupers, and victims of prostitution and famine. It is this fear of an unseen, powerful force that gives rise to religion.».’)
The Labor Party is hostile to God.
It is appalling that the largest political party in our society today, the Labor Party, is portrayed as a God-hating party. When the party’s leaders choose not to disclose this to their voters, it appears to be a tactical decision. The principled program expressed by the party is not only godless but has also been explicitly labeled as hostile to God due to its Marxist foundation. I am quoting from the Norwegian Labor Party’s principled program:
‘The party, which is based on Marxism and informed by struggles in Norway and other countries–’
The principled program is also entirely Bolshevik-communist. In the preface to Lenin’s ‘Religion,’ it states:
‘For the conscious socialist, atheism—freedom from any form of religious superstition—and consistent opposition to the church and religion are matters of course. Every socialist party engages in tireless information work among the broad masses of the people, simultaneously advocating for the separation of state and church, the removal of religious education from schools, and the exclusion of priests from any role in youth upbringing. This position arises not only from the incompatibility of religion with a materialistic worldview but also from the experience that religion and the subsequent spiritual suppression serve as powerful tools to keep the masses ignorant, superstitious, and dependent on the moral and social philosophy of the ruling class.’ (Emphasis added.)
According to this perspective, godlessness is the logical consequence of Marxism.
There is no doubt whatsoever that godlessness is the logical consequence of Marxism, and indeed, even that godlessness propaganda is a necessity. Admittedly, our domestic Marxists constantly seek to explain this away. Thus, Bull writes in ‘Kommunisme og Religion’:
“In the same way, it will be completely natural for us to start with a serious and extensive religious historical information activity—e.g., of a biblically critical and church historical nature—which will be able to give the working class a deeper and healthier understanding of what Christianity is(!), and of the relationship between religion and church. Such work will inevitably have to be a struggle against the Orthodox Lutheran dogmatics, which is in obvious conflict with all rational scientific thinking, does not necessarily need to have any direct anti-Christian or anti-religious character.
Source: Lenin: “Religion”, Fram Forlag, Oslo, 1932.
Nevertheless, the brochure ends with the following powerful statement:
‘We shall fight irreconcilably with the existing official Lutheranism, as well as with other stultifying sects. We must maintain an ongoing and ruthless church policy because, if we believe that religion is inherently a private matter.’
Christianity is deemed incompatible with ‘reason.’
The fight against Christianity, indeed, against every religion, is a significant aspect of Marxism. However, as you will understand from what has been said above, this fight is not officially carried out today by the Norwegian Workers’ Party. Nevertheless, it occupies an extremely prominent place in the Marxist subversive work in Norway.
One of the most common methods employed is to ridicule religion by portraying scriptures comically and assigning meanings different from those of Christianity. It is argued that Christianity is incompatible with reasonable thinking.
Regarding the Lord’s Supper, it is referred to as ‘cannibal magic.’
And Øverland states:
«Then we shall eat his body and drink his blood.»
This perceived cannibalistic magic continues to be practiced today. If you can comfortably participate in it, then you are saved. You can allow yourself almost any indecency, as long as you pray to God afterward. Only one believes and is baptized.»2)
Notice these distortions and how little this ‘sensible’ analysis of our religion has to do with Christianity. However, it is not only the ‘class-conscious workers’ who approve of such an argument; large sections of the liberal-minded bourgeoisie also find this conception of religion very plausible. They do not want to have darkened brains, and especially within the bourgeoisie, the Marxists enlist large crowds of followers for whom the concept of God has become increasingly fluid as the materialistic slide continues.
For these individuals, the disgusting ‘Upperland’ ‘reason’ seems very plausible. However, there is admittedly not much of Christianity itself left in advance. Nevertheless, the situation is not quite as dire as Øverland imagines. He writes:
‘The Christians are weirdos and slow.’
‘Now the congregation is mainly made up of twisted weirdos and cynics. It declines smoothly. And the moment the state church is abolished, and Christianity is no longer a means of livelihood—which it actually is for thousands of priests and teachers—at that moment, it will suffer a fatal blow.’
The priests ‘break’ to avoid losing their position.
Overall, Øverland, being the materialist that he is, is very concerned with the payment the priests receive:
‘But when a young theologian learns that God’s word is unfortunately laced with deliberate and well-considered lies, they become offended, and it starts to bother them. Usually, they have no choice but to forget it as soon as possible.
It generally succeeds beyond expectations. When one becomes a priest and is religiously inclined to forget what they have learned, and is bound by an income of 10,000 to 20,000 kroner per year to believe the unbelievable—then they do it.
And so they ascend the pulpit and proclaim that Jesus went up on a mountain and spoke, and the apostle John recorded it. They probably still harbor an inkling that, strictly speaking, it didn’t happen exactly as described; however, the true account remains unknowable, and one must refrain from sowing the seeds of doubt among the congregation."
The emphasis on money, in their opinion, becomes the most significant driving force behind the priests’ preaching. Here, their entire materialistic perspective becomes particularly evident.
This viewpoint aligns with Marxism, where self-interest is considered humanity’s sole driving force, dictating all actions.
The battle, therefore, extends beyond the church—it encompasses Christianity itself.
"Outwardly, Christianity and the church appear synonymous. What individual Christians believe is of no concern to us. However, we cannot ignore their actions, as they perpetrate violence.
One might argue that this perspective is outdated, with only historical interest. Nevertheless, it remains relevant that the state still supports thousands of clergy who conduct services in countless churches every Sunday. Additionally, radio broadcasts feature services almost daily throughout the year! Conservative newspapers also consistently publish Sunday views." (Øverland.)
The liberal bourgeoisie is “mature.”
It may seem as if this propaganda, which primarily aims to ridicule and mock religion, should not be so dangerous, as it undoubtedly bounces off every believing Christian. However, I delve into these details because this propaganda is not as innocent as it appears. The soil for such propaganda, particularly among intellectuals, is extremely fertile. When Øverland states:
‘Grown-up people gradually give up clinging to Christian dogmatics and content themselves with stirring up a kind of milk soup of a private religion, where God is reduced to an abstract and floating philosophical “principle,” a liquid jelly that fills the entire universe (God is everything!).’
There is indeed a lot of truth in this."
And it is precisely the dangerous thing that there is always some truth in all the anti-social agitation. This sprinkle of truth makes the reader less critical of the rest. He does not notice the distortions, and willingly agrees to accept the Marxist conclusion.
The agitation intervenes on all points where the current conditions can form a basis for criticism. And here there are rich opportunities in society today.
The church is weak.
In Norway, the church has lost a large part of its educational influence. The priests' authority is shaky. The church partly leads a debilitating existence and does not take a clear position on social conditions. The church does not stand up clearly and clearly for the nation. The state cannot count on the church's support in the claim
of his authority. It happens that its servants make themselves, more or less directly, advocates of anti-social propaganda. There are even priests who stand as members of the Labor Party or they support international pacifism, movements with societal dissolution goals.
The godless are "brave".
On the other hand, large parts of the people see the Christians as inferior oddities, while the godless are portrayed as brave and independent people.
"Arnulf Øverland has moral courage, unconditional moral courage, and that is an extremely rare quality... Moral courage is precisely the same as spiritual honesty — the honesty that is not content with not lying, but also feels it as a compelling need and sees it as an inalienable duty to tell the truth - precisely when it is most "hurtful" and "outrageous", and therefore there is the greatest risk associated with telling it", writes Helge Krog in Venstre's organ "Dagbladet" about Øverlands blasphemies. About
Hjalmar Söderberg's "Jesus Barabbas" (Fram Forlag, Oslo), a book in which the author "scientifically" proves that Christ and Barabbas were one and the same person, it is written:
"The book is one of the most factual and at the same time most enjoyable and infamously well-written attacks on Christianity and theology ever printed." (E. S. in "Mot Dag").
Our scientific authorities are Marxist.
At the same time, we are witnessing how science, in its arrogance, goes beyond its area and applies scientific research methods to religion. This is in reality nothing but the purest Marxism, and we see how our courts accept such "sensible" analysis of religion and judge accordingly. The experts in the so-called Øverland case, Prof. Schencke and Prof. Schjelderup readily accept Øverland's Marxist "interpretation" of Christianity that: "— it is scientifically justifiable to describe the Lord's Supper as cannibal magic".
The Lord's Supper and, in general, the whole of Christianity cannot at all be explained on the basis of "sensible", Marxist assumptions, because Christianity is not materialistic, but spiritual! So far it has come, that our society's courts judge according to Marxist principles.
The modern man.
Science and the great technical advances impress people much more than spiritual endowments, moral purity and a Christian life. Modern man lives with his gaze directed at things outside. For them, spirit is no longer a reality that is taken for granted. They are in reality materialists, but have not yet ventured fully into professed godlessness. Modern man lives on the surface and does not notice that his life is empty and bland and devoid of content. Life no longer has any spiritual content, no high life goals.
This is how modern man is "prepared" to receive with open arms and rejoice over Øverland's "logically consistent" mockery of Christianity. And this mockery knows no bounds. About Luther's explanation to the 3rd article of faith it is said: "The Holy Spirit reveals itself here only as an unbridled chatter of words".
Section 100 of our constitution states:
"No one can be punished for any writing, whatever its content may be, which he has had printed or published, unless he has deliberately and openly either himself shown, or encouraged others to, Disobedience to the Laws, Contempt to Religion, Morality or the constitutional Powers, Resistance to their Orders, or made false and defamatory Accusations against Someone."
Anti-religious propaganda in the press.
Countless are the avenues used in the anti-religious propaganda that daily drips its poison into society, through the Marxist daily press and weekly magazines. You could fill a whole book with quotes. I will only mention a couple of the very last ones. In Arbeiderbladet for 12 July 1934 (main organ of D.N.A.)
printed in 48,100 copies, it reads:
"Man now lives mostly on bread, - that words that emanate from Our Lord have so far staggered the distress of a jobless person has not been proven to us, unfortunately."
Ingeborg Flood.
Many of these things may seem innocent, but it is the constant drip that little by little erodes the faith. In "Arbeider-Ungdommen" (organ of the A.U.F.) we find the following notice on the occasion that in Grimstad a figure of Christ had been seen in the sky:
"Over in Grimstad, a number of people have seen Christ come flying and get out of an aeroplane. Naturally, he didn't land, he got out halfway between heaven and earth, got his suitcases after him and strolled down. However, he has not come to Grimstad and the other hotels only have mundane names in his guestbook. Now was it surely an airplane? It's a drink popularly called 'Zeppelin'!”
Characteristically, there are poems where Arnulf Øverland attacks Christianity.
Remove the Christian cross from your flag,
and lift it clean and red!
Let no one offer you that deception,
that the "savior" is born!
And don't you want to die a slave,
then you will slowly free yourself!
Who came and gave you daily bread?
Maybe "our father"?
And no one suffers famine,
as far as i understand then?
Would you understand His goodness completely,
then ask: How was the bread divided?
Arnulf Øverland. ("Against the Day", 17 May 1934.)
"Christianity must get out of school!"
Yes, if you consider materialism, self-interest, and hatred of your fellow human beings as culture and spiritual life, then this is correct, but it is not really what we understand by Christianity. The goal of the Marxists is that the children should not be educated in Christianity. Edv. Bull indicates how to proceed here:
"The church's real position of power in our society lies in the school. Through Christian education, it gets hold of practically all of the country's children, in the very most impressionable years, and if it is the case that the church is our enemy, it becomes primarily in our school policy, we must fight it.
Here, as everywhere else in our school policy, we must start with the basics, with the teachers and with the training of the teachers. Our current teacher training courses — not only the "Christian" ones, but also the others — are largely theological training institutions, where the seminar participants are trained in Christian dogmatics and morals. In most municipalities, conditions are still such that almost every teacher has to take over the teaching of religion. This means that the teachers, both because of their education and in view of their future, must either nurture or hypocrisy serious religiosity.”
“Marxist Teachers.
Our Marxists have probably followed this programmatically formulated statement, and they have come quite far in their work. Marxist teachers are now stationed in many schools around the country, where they follow their calling in an excellent way in the service of Marxism. Where this propaganda is not sufficient and where the children are taught "simplified Christianity", the Workers' Party organizations can provide support in the fight against religion. A children's club is established where hatred of society and godlessness are taught."
“Marxist Confirmation.
In Stavanger, the Labor Party member Eyvin Dahl has a regular Sunday school, where the children are "confirmed" in Marxism after the lesson ends. How the propaganda about godlessness has already spread among the children is best illustrated by a case from a primary school, where one of the students stood up in the religion class and said that what the teacher told them about God was not true. She had learned that there was no God and that there was no point in praying to him.
When will the Norwegian people wake up and see what is happening in the country? When will Christians understand that they can no longer remain indifferent to the struggle unfolding in our society? It is necessary to take a clear and unequivocal position either for or against the social preservation front. This front advocates for a just and solidary society built on the principles of Christian reason, within a national state where order and justice prevail. Anyone who does not support this effort is, in reality, working against it, as they remain indifferent to the liberal-Marxist dissolution work.
Nasjonal Samling Road.
But what should we do to take up the fight against godlessness? In response, we can assert that the most crucial aspect in this case is not merely our actions, but rather our identity and transformation. We must become precisely what the Marxists mock and ridicule, and what the liberals also deride: Christians. It is not our faith that requires renewal, but rather the individuals who ostensibly possess faith yet fail to live by its principles. If we all embraced Christianity in this profound sense, Marxism would naturally dissipate from our country, and the propaganda of godlessness would fall silent.
Point 22 of the Nasjonal Samling's program, titled “Protection of Christianity’s fundamental values,” primarily places a demand upon ourselves. By fulfilling the requirements set forth by Christianity, we become the most potent counterforce to Marxism, and our national unity emerges organically.
"–and the true driving forces behind social development lie within Marxism’s economic conditions and production contexts. Through these, the most fundamental and decisive human instincts—hunger and the sex drive—are both satisfied and cultivated. (Ed. Bull in Communism and Religion.)
The genuine purpose of sexual education.
It is logically consistent when Marxists, based on their attitude, explain social conditions in terms of hunger and the sex drive. They assert that satisfying these two drives is essential for creating favorable conditions on Earth. According to them, perfect gender relations can only be achieved in a socialist society. However, individuals must strive to adapt as best as possible within the framework of civil society. With this rationale, Marxists advocate for intense “sexual education.” This sexual information serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it aims to undermine society’s moral perception, potentially loosening family bonds. Secondly, sexual education becomes a crucial tool in Marxist propaganda for a socialist society, as we often hear that the root causes of all sexual difficulties lie in current social conditions.
In addition to this “sexual information,” there exists a body of literature that essentially explores sexual, “sensible” motives behind people’s actions. The primary objective here is always to connect thoughts to sexual aspects. Overall, Marxists tend to discuss sexual matters extensively, aiming to arouse interest in both natural and unnatural sexual issues, thereby further eroding societal morals.
Moral subversion.
We must remember that Marxism is a movement of struggle. It wages war against society. The moral undermining of opponents in the class struggle is a familiar tactic in every war. In the interest of the class struggle, Marxists have a significant stake in promoting moral decay among our people and encouraging it where healthy family relationships still exist. In this endeavor, Marxists have numerous points of attack. Marx and Engels already outlined the guidelines:
“Civil marriage is, in reality, a conjugal union. One could criticize the communists at the top for secretly introducing official, open women’s unions instead of traditional unions. By the way, it goes without saying that with the abolition of the current conditions of production, the concept of the community of women—both official and unofficial prostitution that has arisen from these conditions—will also disappear.
(The Communist Manifesto.)
It is a well-known communist tactic to highlight existing societal flaws and exaggerate them to the extreme, with the aim of preparing society for revolution. These conditions must be portrayed as dramatically as possible, even if it involves some distortion.
The family serves as the bedrock of society.
Families are the nation’s most crucial support system. In healthy family environments, individuals are raised with love and selflessness. They learn the importance of responsibility, the necessity of making sacrifices, and the value of considering others. Families act as the best social schools, teaching people how to think and behave collectively. Additionally, families uphold cultural traditions and serve as the core of any well-ordered society. When family life remains undisturbed, Marxists find it challenging to exert influence. Consequently, Marxism seeks to undermine Christian marriage, weaken family bonds, and disrupt family unity.
Wherever the foundations of orderly family life begin to falter, communist agitation can opportunistically intervene. In our society today, we observe such slippage, which provides fertile ground for Marxist agitation. The fidelity of men and the honor of women are not taken as seriously as they should be. Parents often fail to assert their authority, leading to tensions between parents and children. This tension is further fueled by Marxist agitation, which pits children against their parents. Consequently, parents may unwittingly align themselves with the Marxist cause, avoiding accusations of being old-fashioned or unfashionable.
An essential aspect of the campaign to dismantle the family structure involves the “emancipation” of women. The Marxists advocate for women to unite and demand equality with men. They decry the perceived enslavement of women within bourgeois society, where women are confined to household labor at the pleasure of men. Marriage is portrayed as an arrangement that allows men to exploit women’s labor power. The Marxists insist that women should have independent work and be “liberated” from the constraints of marriage.
Furthermore, the removal of women from their homes is considered necessary by the Marxists.
It is entirely characteristic when Mrs. Margarete Bonnevie delivered a lecture on women’s right to work at the Norwegian Women’s Association’s annual meeting in 1934. In reality, her message amounted to nothing more than Marxism. I am reproducing a report from the daily newspaper “Rogaland”:
“During the lecture, Mrs. Bonnevie asserted that women, particularly housewives, should increasingly engage in paid work to earn money. She argued that unpaid housework subjects them to excessively long and strenuous working hours. Instead, tasks such as housework, sewing, quilting, baking, pickling, washing, and cleaning should be taken over by factories, craftsmen, and professionals. (It’s important to note that a housewife is not considered a “professional” in any of these areas.) However, a condition for women to transition to paid professional work is that it should be publicly provided, including childcare centers and kindergartens.”
This perspective aligns closely with pure Marxism. The boundary between left-wing views and Marxist ideology is fluid in this context. Public children’s centers, in essence, function as collective child-rearing institutions—a concept that ultimately contributes to the dissolution of the traditional family structure. This viewpoint directly leads society toward collectivism.
Protect your family and home.
When NS's program says: "The family and the home are protected, the reward for women's work in the home and for motherhood is increased", then this is not just an empty program item. It is a cry of anguish from Norwegian society in its greatest need. It concerns the most fundamental values in our society, yes, it concerns society's existence. We must find our way back to the moral and ethical values on which our society is based. We must again make demands on ourselves. We must again be willing to make sacrifices. It is required of us that we turn away with disgust from self-interest, from the selfishness characterized by liberalism's demand for "freedom" and "liberation", this caricature of an ideal of freedom, which only leads to irresponsibility and to the downfall of the people. A united, self-sacrificing front must be created against the liberal-Marxist "liberation" work.
Patriotism requires sacrifice.
The Fatherland is something more than a geographical concept. Our fatherland is Norwegian society and its life down through the ages. Patriotism is something more than love for the Norwegian nature, Norwegian mountains and fjords. It is the love of the people, of all Norwegians living today. Patriotism is loving one's people. Love is sacrifice. Therefore, love of country is the same as the willingness to make sacrifices for the people's progress, sacrifices that can create happier and better conditions for the Norwegian people today and in the times to come. To be national is the same as to join one's people, the people whose destiny is one's own destiny. To be national means to stand in solidarity with one's countrymen in honest cooperation for the good of the whole people.
And yet today there are large sections of the population where being national is almost regarded as a swear word. "The worker has no fatherland, he can only be exploited by the rulers of society, and only they have a fatherland," say the Marxists. And then the Marxist "sensible" interpretation sets in and tells us that patriotism is only something that we feel to secure our own private economic interests, and then the agitation sets in: "Proletarians in all countries, unite you. To fight against the capitalist fatherland, the worker has only his chains to lose".
Our fatherland is mocked.
The fight against the fatherland is being waged on many fronts. The Fatherland is ridiculed:
"When it comes to water, we think - with discomfort - of drinking water or washing water. In general then. But not always. Thus the poet sings:
Yes we love this country,
as it rises,
furrowed, road-bitten over the water–
What kind of water?
Yes, the North Sea, the Atlantic Sea and the Ice Sea!
This very unread rhyme proves to be apt to put people in a state of patriotism which, under favorable circumstances, rises to rage."
The defense is portrayed as the enemy of the workers.
Defense is portrayed as capitalism's means of keeping the working class down:
"It is our task to create complete clarity that the military's sole task is to protect the interests of the capitalist class against the working Norwegian people! That alone is why it is maintained.” (Dagbladet "1. Mai", 20 June 1934.)
"The Norwegian military establishment has only one task and that is to practice violence against the workers who are fighting for livable working conditions." ("May 1", June 21, 1934.)
At the same time, the horrors of war are depicted. When you can only get the defenses removed, war will become an impossibility. An article with the headline: “Recruits! Look here!" — ends with the following:
"The Storting adopted the butcher's bench tactic and fixed the recruit school for 60 days.
And the victims of the slaughter are you and your comrades, who today are being trained to allow yourselves to be slaughtered at Madla (exercise ground)". (The daily "1. Mai", 20 June 1934.)
Thanks to our non-national bourgeois parties, our defense with the ready support of the Marxists has now been brought into a state that is nothing less than irresponsible. The Marxists exploit this situation in their own way:
"For waging war against an external enemy, both the army and the navy are completely useless.
There are now so many expert opinions that no one needs to be in doubt about this question." ("May 1", June 20, 1934.)
The Labor Party wants civil war.
Under the pretext that no defense is better than a bad defense, they seek to remove the last vestiges of the means our people can still use in the struggle for existence. This anti-war propaganda is so much more sinister and false that it is always accompanied by propaganda for the arming of the workers. Even the Norwegian Labor Party says this quite openly in its principle programme:
"The labor organization must put itself in a defensive position, and the labor movement must get ready to use all its organizational power to beat back the attack of reaction, fight the militarism of the bourgeois state and the private capitalist fighting organizations that will hinder the working class in its advance. In the transition period when the decisive struggle for power is underway, the party is prepared to use all the means at the disposal of the working class to break down the resistance of the bourgeoisie and lay the foundation for the socialist construction work.
We must protect our national identity.
We see that development is based on specialisation, not on equality and levelling. Just as each person's uniqueness and individuality is developed within the national community, so the individual national communities will make their contribution to world development in their own way. Thus, in the development, there is a meaning with each people. All peoples, including the Norwegian, have been given their task in world development, which, by virtue of their uniqueness, they must solve. The Norwegian people will also be held to account for how they have fulfilled their mission in the world. It would be foolish to think that the punishment should not affect the Norwegian people if they do not protect their national identity. The punishment will come upon us, and the Norwegian people will perish in materialism and godlessness and disappear as a people, if the national unity does not prevail. And it is high time that we now open our eyes to the real situation. The bourgeois parties in reality, in lax and cowardly opportunism, leave the leadership in all questions to the Marxists. It is in reality the Marxists who carry out their plans with all the bourgeois parties in tow.
Our way.
Our way out of this impasse must go through a spiritual renewal of the Norwegian people. "A spiritual and responsible view of life, like living faith extended to all parts of our life" (Quisling).
Instead of selfishness, we demand charity.
Instead of everyone's demands, we must demand a willingness to sacrifice from everyone.
Instead of unrestricted freedom, we demand an awareness of responsibility.
Instead of women's "liberation", we demand respect for women.
Instead of collective housing, we demand that the home be protected.
Instead of unrestrainedness, we demand a moral life.
Instead of godlessness, we demand a Christian outlook on life.
Instead of Marxist quasi-science, we demand a science with respect for spiritual values.
Instead of unpatriotic selfishness, we demand love for country and people.
Instead of party strife, we demand cooperation.
Instead of class struggle and civil war, we demand order, justice and peace.
Instead of contempt for the public, we demand respect for law and justice.
If our people can still make a concerted effort under such conditions, we will not only be able to overcome the difficulties that the people are facing today, but we will also be able to confidently see a brighter and richer future ahead.
Translated by LucciNation.
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