«Fritt Folk», November 29, 1940.
Article by Gulbrand Lunde.
In his account of the guidelines of the Nordic Folk Travel Association, Vidkun Quisling, the Nasjonal Samling's leader, wrote in 1931:
"National restoration is futile work if you do not revive the Nordic spirit. Our people's progress is inextricably linked to the preservation of Nordic blood, and if we don't take care of our Nordic identity, we will lose it."
These clear words have also formed the basic vision of the Nasjonal Samling, which stood out as a continuation of the Nordic Folkereisning. In "Call for Nasjonal Samling" it also says:
“We must rediscover the roots of our power and give them new life. The spirit of the people must be raised and purified.”
In every change of time in our nation's history - in times of crisis - when a new political system is to replace the old and outdated one, it is particularly important that the new form is breathed into life in agreement with the people's uniqueness, in agreement with the eternal cultural values of the people. The spirit of the people must be purified. It should then be clear to anyone who wants to help rebuild our people nationally, and give them a place within the new European order, that there is only one sure ground to build on, and that is our national, our Nordic identity.
Therefore, our cultural life must be cleansed of everything that is foreign to Nordic thought and will. Freemasonry represents to a distinct degree something alien to our Nordic view. These oriental ceremonies which are connected to Freemasonry are not only foreign to Norwegian thought, but they must of course have a direct effect on removing those who deal with it from the national line in -our culture. In addition, Freemasonry constituted a state within the state, a society with its own provisions and promises, and that the Freemasons still form cliques that represent opinions in opposition to the national will of the people.
This has quite naturally resulted in those who became Freemasons advocating for a community outside the commonwealth, which includes the entire Norwegian tribe. Masonic lodges are also international in nature and are influenced by secret occult forces that operate behind the scenes. To a large extent, they have served as hotbeds for liberalist international thought, directly opposing the forthcoming new order based on cooperation among national societies—once these societies have established their own national forms.
For the national restoration of the Norwegian people, it was both a matter of course and a necessary prerequisite that Freemasonry be dissolved
On the other hand, it has been clear to everyone that among the Freemasons there have been members who have distanced themselves from these strange ceremonies and sought to withdraw from it all. Several of these individuals have also joined the Nasjonal Samling movement. Recognizing their departure from the core essence of Freemasonry and their return to our national identity, the Nasjonal Samling Leader has decided that their involvement in the movement can contribute to building new societies. Simultaneously, the entire essence of Freemasonry has been unequivocally distanced here, leaving no doubt that in Nasjonal Samling and the new Norway, the alien oriental essence and the spirit that once prevailed within it are no longer tolerated.
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