torsdag 7 mars 2024

December 1, 1940: The Freemasons were willing instruments in the Jews' Struggle for World Dominion

By Gulbrand Lunde.

The Great Norwegian Landsloge in Oslo is declared opened as a museum on December 1, 1940.

"Freemasonry is a federation for the propagation of tolerant and humanistic principles, where both the Jew and the Turk as well as the Christian can participate in the work to promote the aims of this order."

This is what it says in a masonic lodge from the year 1722. Differences in race or religion should not separate people. The idea of humanism, which is Freemasonry's aim and purpose, must reach beyond denominations, state formations and teachers, and stand above all peoples and nationalities. It must include all of humanity.

From the very beginning, this doctrine has prevailed in the lodge. It was the same spirit that was expressed in the French Revolution's struggle for "human rights" in 1789. The French Masonic lodges prepared the ground for the French Revolution. "Freedom, equality, brotherhood" was also Freemasonry's language of choice and clearly shows us the connection between Freemasonry and this revolution which intended to break down the national and social ties and destroy the national life of the people.

From the very first time in Freemasonry, we also find an election language that emphasizes equality between all people. Everyone is the same when they are just human. All men are brothers. The idea of humanism was to unite everyone, to break down all barriers between races and nations, and from this indeterminate mass a new "humanity" was to arise, whose goal was the greatest material wealth for the individual and the individual's unfettered freedom in relation to the state.

How far-fetched is such a way of thinking for Norwegian thought and uniqueness. Henrik Ibsen passes judgment on this Hungarian spirit in "Brand":

Human! Yes, this loose word is a rallying cry for the whole earth!

With that every member pays homage to, that no deed he dares and wills;

with that every peeling covers, that he does not dare everything for the victory;

in the shelter of it every wretch's promise is lightly broken, cowardly regretted; —

You puzzle-souls finally make a humanist out of man!

Everything that gives the people power and strength must be kept down. The concepts of honor, the fight for home and people, love of country, family and nobility, in other words: Everything that had value for our ancestors, had to go, because it was these thoughts that held the people and the nation together. And even to this day, it is these concepts that form the content of Freemasonry. Marxism, which was a continuation of the French Revolution, falsified the workers' healthy reaction against capitalism and exploitation and turned it into an international struggle for all proletarians. "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" The slogan of the 3rd International is in reality nothing more than the direct consequence of the teachings of the Freemasons.

But part of bourgeois freemasonry could not even reach the goal. Stronger forces were needed. The ideas had to resonate with the masses, in order for this "fraternization of the people" to succeed. It was not about any understanding and mutual respect for the individuals and the peoples, after these had first individually won their way to a national community, but about a despotic so-called "fraternization process" of all individuals in a gray mass. It was a matter of winning the workers over to this idea. But for the workers and peasants such a thought was foreign. For them, the cohesion with the people and the fact that they were connected to their country in their work was a matter of course. For them, love of country was a rather different, self-evident concept than for the bourgeois liberal. —For the workers, humanism, poverty and pacifism were something completely foreign. It was to break down the workers' patriotism that the class struggle was proclaimed. It was about making the worker imagine that he could only win material freedom internationally. He was a proletarian, a pariah. "Proletarians of all countries, unite!" The worker was torn away from the community. Freemasonry had reached its goal.

In this way, it became clear that World Freemasonry, according to its thoughts and goals, does not stand up for the people and the commonwealth, but their striving goes towards the formation of a kind of gray humanity contrary to the law of development.

If we look at the obligations that a "Brother Mason" must observe, we do not find a single word about duties towards his own people. On the contrary, we see that the highest duties of the Masonic brother are the duties towards the almighty builder of the world, symbolically expressed by King Solomon's kingdom, in reality the Jewish world domination. Then there are his duties to the lodge, to himself and to his neighbor, especially his fellow Masons. And in the further explanations for this, the freemason is told that he must obey the commands issued by Solomon's wisest vicar and that freedom, equality and brotherhood must be the guiding principle for his actions, and that he must observe the most absolute silence about what takes place in the lodge, and that he shall do all that is useful and beneficial to his lodge.

This will be his first commandment. In this way, the Freemasons get into ways of thinking that systematically remove them from the commonwealth. And also the solemn ceremonies in the lodge, which the Freemasons must submit to, are symbols of foreign ideals and thoughts, which are completely foreign to the national in our Nordic culture.

Anyone who now visits the Masonic Lodge will be able to convince himself that these ceremonies are Oriental, Jewish, and Asiatic, and apt to degrade personality and character. In this way, the prerequisites are created for a completely new person, a Freemason, who symbolically becomes a stone in King Solomon's temple, a link in the great chain that will encompass the Jewish world domination.

It is claimed that the Norwegian Masonic lodge is national, and that these things do not apply here. But this is not the case. It is the same ceremonies and obligations that we find again in Norwegian Freemasonry as elsewhere in the world. To speak of "national Freemasonry" is a contradiction in terms. When you try to put forward something like this, it is nothing more than another attempt to hide the lodge's real goals in a clever way. And when the lodge outwardly presents itself as a charity, it is also to divert attention from the political games that take place behind closed doors and the influence they seek to exert on economic conditions. The Great Norwegian Land Lodge had connections with the lodges in Sweden, England, Scotland, France, Belgium, America and Switzerland. Yes, it even had special people to maintain the connection.

In the great Swedish country lodge in Stockholm, the Norwegian lodge was represented by the same person as in the great English country lodge. At the supreme council of the Belgian Freemasons, the Norwegian country lodge was represented by the same Norwegian officer as at the Swiss grand lodge.

The lodge also had good relations with the independent and rightful country lodge for France and colonies. The Norwegian lodge was linked to the so-called Swedish system and had a strong and personal relationship with the large Swedish country lodge in Stockholm. The wisest and highest leader of the Scandinavian masonic province, to which the Norwegian country lodge belonged, sat in Sweden. From the letters found in the lodge, it is easy to see that it has maintained political relations with Freemasonry in other countries and that it has been closely linked to World Freemasonry. It thus also had influence in diplomacy. I can mention, for example, that before he took office, a foreign diplomat approached the Great Norwegian Landslodge and asked it to designate a freemason who could be of service to him if necessary. It is quite interesting to note that Den Store Norske Landslosje appointed a Norwegian general to this position.

Today we are facing a turning point in our people's history. Vidkun Quisling has said in his "Call to Nasjonal Samling": "We must rediscover the roots of our power and give them new life. The spirit of the people must be raised and purified.” Therefore, our cultural life must be cleansed of everything that is alien to Nordic thought and will.

Freemasonry, as we have seen, represents to a distinct degree something alien to our Nordic view. It has international character and international goals. It constitutes a state within the state, a society with its own provisions and vows, and Freemasonry still forms cliques representing opinions in opposition to the national will of the people.

The new Norway therefore views Freemasonry in a completely different way from the old liberal society. It is a matter of course for the new society, which is based on a national gathering, that all secret and political uncontrollable forces must be unleashed. Secret societies must not be tolerated. Through NS and the movement's Leader, Vidkun Quisling, Norway has found its way back to the national, and is now marching forward together with our Germanic relatives to a new freedom for the peoples.

A new Norway will emerge. All destructive and degrading forces must be broken down. The young, healthy and strong will once again take over the leadership. "Honor shall be eternally young." For us, this lodge, which is now open to the public, has only historical interest. It should stand there as a warning that our people must keep their path clean and strengthen our national identity.
Nordheim sweet forces all thickest whisper, mane, call:

"Off with foreign recarved wood! Even heav No rich topic wood!
Norig himself raised, in secret, a topic that one would not believe gave peace to the owners." ^ ^^

And thus, Norway's former great country lodge turns into a museum, which I hereby declare open.

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.