fredag 15 mars 2024

NS Women's Organization (NSK)

Nasjonal Samlings Kvinneorganisasjon, abbreviated NSK, was a special organization for women over the age of 18 associated with the Norwegian National Socialist party Nasjonal Samling (NS) before and during the Second World War. NKS was formed in 1934, shortly after NS' foundation the previous year. The NS Women's Organization was closed down when the German occupying power surrendered and the NS board was deposed upon liberation in May 1945. The NSK was one of the party's three major special organisations, together with the youth association NSUF and Hirden.

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.