måndag 11 mars 2024

December 30, 1941: The Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevik threat

Article in Morgenbladet, December 30, 1941.

Article by Albert Viljam Hagelin.

[..] to do everything in our power to, together with our
German fraternal people, win the victory over the destructive
forces which, represented by Bolsheviks, English and
American plutocrats, Jews and Freemasons, still the threat
Germanic and European civilization. [..] Let it be clear to
us in 1942 that the destinies of Norway and Germany
coincide completely and let us, based on this realization,
stand faithfully together and do everything, absolutely
everything, that we as a small people are capable of
all our side to contribute to the Germans winning
in this crucial world battle for centuries.

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.