Minutes of the Leader's speech during the convention at Gjøvik on 23 August 1942.
By Vidkun Quisling.
The last world war broke up all the authoritarian states and gave the democracies the victory, but at the same time that victory was achieved, it all collapsed. And it broke because it was not built on the laws for the lives of the people, it broke because people condescended to a ruthless subjugation of the vanquished. Together with its shadow, Bolshevism, this system collapses in the great world showdown we are now experiencing.
England's victory means the victory of Bolshevism, and Europe, Norway and the Nordic countries are lost.
They say we are doing the Germans' business. We don't do that unless we are fully aware that Norway's interests in this fight are the same as Germany's.
People who commit foolishness we have to think for - we have to take care so that their insane, unrealistic thoughts do not have any influence. We cannot calmly watch people destroy themselves and our fatherland, because they have no brains to think with.
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