tisdag 5 mars 2024

Lecture in Nedstrand, July 8, 1934: Marxism is a logical Consequence of Liberal Capitalism!

By Dr. Gulbrand Lunde.

We must once again understand that the meaning of life is not just material well-being, that there is a higher and deeper meaning to existence than living and sleeping and eating well. We must return to a spiritual outlook on life. A life without a higher spiritual goal is not humanly worthy. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but damages his soul? What's the use if you can get goods and gold, when you know that it must affect some of your fellow human beings? We have forgotten that a person has greater joy in giving than in taking. But that is precisely how our whole attitude has been. It was up to the individual to take as much as possible. Enrich yourselves! It was the slogan of liberal capitalism. And that is the basic view on which our entire civic policy has been built. And as a reaction to this, we have got the Marxist parties.

Here they gathered all those who had come to the bottom in the economic struggle in society. The whole of Marxism is a logical consequence of the liberalist politics of the bourgeois parties. It is therefore also built on materialism. It requires the gathering of all those who have been most neglected in society. Proletarians of all countries, unite! it's called. To fight against society! Strike down the oppressors! then we will gain power and take back our share.

It is the same basic materialistic view that is repeated here. It's about getting the material advantages over to yourself, and that's what the whole class struggle is about. It is the battle between the exploiters and the exploited.

Don’t you see how pointless all this is? 

This unrelenting struggle in society occurs between those who, in reality, share the same interests. Isn’t it time we contemplate and recognize the senselessness of the economic struggle waged in our society today under the term ‘class struggle’? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone agreed to cooperate? However, this requires concessions from both sides. Those who possess the most and benefit significantly from the current social order must be willing to sacrifice their special interests for the common good. Simultaneously, those who are oppressed and disadvantaged today need to understand that there are people willing to voluntarily sacrifice their advantages for the benefit of others. Wouldn’t this be a more moral and Christian way of thinking than perpetuating the eternal economic struggle?

Marxists claim that no possessing class has ever relinquished its power. Yes, Marxists work methodically under the assumption that this is the case. They preemptively assume that humans are inherently evil. Their entire program is built on this premise. However, that’s a fallacy. We will demonstrate that it is possible to construct a society where order and justice prevail without resorting to a bloody Marxist revolution.

Nevertheless, it is evident that Marxists cannot think differently, as their entire worldview is rooted in materialism and selfishness.

Similarly, bourgeois parties also express a materialistic and selfish perspective on life. Consequently, the struggle persists in society. Moreover, this struggle has increasingly solidified into established forms. Labor disputes are now considered a natural part of society, and a whole host of people have emerged who make a living from this ongoing class struggle. It is evident that these individuals have the greatest interest in perpetuating the fight.

Our party politicians, whether they belong to the Labor Party or the Communists, or whether they belong to the bourgeois parties, they nevertheless agree to put down a movement like the Nasjonal Samling, which wants to end this struggle, which believes that it is possible to cooperate in society without to have a permanent state of war. It is necessary by all means to maintain the state of things, because if it were to be different, then all these party politicians, all these class struggle champions would become redundant, whether they belong to the Marxist or the bourgeois wing.

And it is characteristic to see how all parties use the same means in the fight against NS. It is propaganda of lies and slander. The worst thing happens to our movement's leader Vidkun Quisling. Here the Conservative Party and the Labor Party find each other in good company by making him suspicious and smearing him.

We just want to bring forward the true people's government. We want everyone to be able to exert their influence in the area where they are best placed to do so, i.e. in their own subject. We want to organize the nation's business life according to the different professions and we want these professions to be represented in a professional or business body that will be given influence on the government of the kingdom.

So next to the Storting, we want to have a Chamber of Commerce where the representatives are chosen according to their profession. In this way, the professional insight will once again come into its own. All questions can again be decided by professionals and not by lay people as is now customary.

And if we look at the conditions today, we see that the development itself is going in this direction. The Storting was originally supposed to be an assembly that represented the interests of the entire people. But we know that this is no longer the case. We have got a Labor Party which will mainly cater for the interests of the workers, i.e. a party which represents a specific group in society. I ignore here that the Labor Party is Marxist, and that it therefore follows a policy whose aim is to overthrow our current social order. Most people who vote for the Labor Party do so in reality because they believe that it should promote the interests of workers, because it is called the Labor Party.

In the same way, the Conservative Party is a liberal capitalist party. Those who vote for the Conservative Party do so because they believe that their interests are best served by this class party.

Then we have a farmers' party that the farmers vote for because this party will serve the interests of the farmers.

But it was not a prerequisite that there should be such parties in the Storting representing various groups within the population. Consequently, it all became futile. The development has grown completely over the head of the Storting. We must take the consequences of the development and separate these different interests for the groups in the people, from the Storting. We must take the full step and create a vocational institution whose task is precisely to cater for the various professions in the people. Here the farmers will vote for farmers, the people of industry for their representatives and here both workers and employers will be represented, artisans will vote for the men of the craft, etc.

No, it is not a dictatorship to want people's rule on such a basis. To continue to hold on to power as the Liberal government does today with a small minority in the people and in the Storting behind it, that is dictatorship! Wanting to take coercive measures against the industry and the entire business world as the leftist Ta-gård proposes, and which the government is largely doing, that is dictatorship!

Anything that is against the will of the people is a dictatorship. But we precisely want the will of the people to be expressed on a healthy and natural basis.

We want dictatorship, it goes on to say, because we want a strong government, independent of party politics. Yes, if you think it is a dictatorship to put an end to party nonsense, then you can say that we want a dictatorship. We believe that a strong government that relies on the moral and good forces of the people, as the people themselves want it, is no dictatorship. Every people has the government it deserves, and when the Norwegian people have once again awakened to the understanding that the course must be changed, that politics must be pursued in the long term, a policy that enables orderly cooperation for the good of the whole people, yes , then such a strong government comes naturally.

And we want the responsibility back in the state government. We will put in every position the man who has the best qualifications to be able to fill it and we want him to be responsible for his actions. He must not, as our governments could, hide behind a casual majority in the Storting where nobody is responsible today, where responsibility is pulverized and where incompetence reigns supreme.

Knowledge must rule the kingdom and country and the profession shall the boat carry, and no one shall be a ruler, as no man can be.

Our land must be farmed and farmed on of strong and hard hands, so guys can clothe and feed a few and grow into strong men.

All glory must lie in honest toil to pray in the temple of truth, and the one who received his title of nobility from God he needs nothing for the king's stamp.

All glory must lie in honest toil. Yes, we must bring back the joy of work. We must learn to value each other's work, learn to understand that every work in society is equally important and necessary for the well-being of society as a whole. If things go badly for one part of society, the whole population suffers. When today we have 160,000 unemployed people, some of whom are in need, it does not just affect them, but affects the entire population. That is why cooperation is needed. Therefore, we want all people to join hands, farmers, workers, citizens must stand together - in the work to build the country.

NS is against the workers, say the Marxists. They run the errands of the capitalists. And many a credulous worker bites into this lie. It should be sufficient here to simply refer to our programme's point 8: Right and duty to work for everyone. Any honest work must be respected, whether it is physical work or mental work. Everyone must therefore get work in this country. It shall not be permitted for speculative capital to put people on the street in order to obtain higher interest rates on their capital. Point 11 also states:

'In order to protect the companies and their officials and workers from abuse, the stock exchange and share laws are also changed, and the management's personal responsibility is tightened.'

Our current legislation only aims to protect the shareholders of a company, i.e. the capital. The whole company becomes just like a pile of shares that can be disposed of and the company left in ruins.

We aim for statutory regulations that primarily protect companies and those who earn their livelihood from their work. Neither society nor the workers benefit from any other approach. Allow me to quote point 14:

The banking system is undergoing reorganization and centralization. Credit allocation is intended to benefit businesses across the country, both large and small. Capital must serve the workforce, easing the interest burden. We prevent harmful speculation and unreasonable income without work. Savings deposits and old-age and life insurance are secured.

Doesn’t this sound like we’re advocating for capitalist interests? Yet, consider how misguided the Labor Party's claim is—that we serve capitalist agendas. Interestingly, the liberal capitalist party, Høyre, supports the Labor Party in its fight against us. It's almost as if the Conservative Party has forgotten its traditional battle against the Labor Party. Now, their sole focus is suppressing NS at any cost. Why? Because NS poses a threat to speculative capital and unrestricted economic abuse. The Conservative Party even holds unilateral meetings targeting NS during election seasons, despite their usual lethargy.

Oh no, NS does not intend to serve right-wing capitalists any more than any other political party. We reject self-interest in all forms, whether bourgeois or Marxist. However, we share one point of agreement with the Marxists: The era of liberal capitalism, where individuals work solely for themselves without considering others, is forever gone.

Among the old parties, only the Marxists, the Labor Party and the Communists have realized this. But because they have emerged as a reaction against the unjust society, they are also a child of this society's attitude to life. They are materialistic; the whole of Marxism is built on the basic view that it is material things that underlie development in the world. They deny a higher spiritual purpose in life.

Therefore, the Marxists are also godless. Yes, they believe that all religion stands in the way of the development of the socialist society that they want to build. And they are therefore not just godless. They are enemies of God. And when the Labor Party's leaders today do not want to tell this openly to the voters, it is not because the Norwegian Labor Party's program is not hostile to God, but because they do not dare to tell it to their voters for fear of losing their votes.

It is for tactical reasons that the Labor Party's leaders hypocritically favor religion. Just listen to what Labor Party theoretician Edv. Bull has written about Christianity in a brochure published by the Norwegian Labor Party's publishing house:

'We must fight implacably with the existing official Lutheranism, as with other stultifying sects. We must have an ongoing and ruthless Church policy, because if we believe that religion in and of itself is a private matter.'

Don't come and tell me that this is not the opinion of the Labor Party, because Edv. Bull was even a minister in the first Labor government in Norway (Hornsrud).

In reality, it is impossible to understand Marxism without taking into account this materialistic, anti-God attitude. The whole of Marxism and its struggle against the national movements must in reality be seen against this background. It must be seen against the background of the entire world development. It has always been the case that there has been a battle between evil and good powers, a battle between the divine and the satanic, and in times of crisis where human societies go through difficult transitional periods, we always see this battle become strong and fierce. It is the battle between two views of life that takes place in our society today.

On the one hand, the spiritual view of life, that which believes that there is a spiritual meaning to existence, that there is a spiritual agency that governs the world and will lead it forward to an ever higher understanding of the spiritual values, ever closer to divinity.

On the other hand, the earthly view of life, that which sees the meaning of life in material earthly existence and which denies a divine spiritual agency.

It is appalling that in our country today there are two political parties, one of which, the Labor Party, which is the strongest in the Storting, publicly advocates such a godless, materialistic view of life. It is appalling that such a large part of our people are so blinded that they have given such a party their vote. It must be our task to clarify for all these people the true conditions and to make all the many good and ideal-minded people, who today stand on the Marxist side in the ranks of the Labor Party, to understand that they are on the wrong track, that their struggle is doomed to be lost because it is aimed at the divine development in the world.

May our farmers and workers in time open their eyes to where this is leading the lien. Do they not notice how the satanic thing stands out in the Marxist propaganda? Isn't hatred preached, knocking others down and taking from them what they have taken from you? Is it a Christian way of life? And how will they be able to build a good and just society on such a basis? Hatred and envy are the result. What is yours is mine, but what is mine is not yours. It will be the result of such agitation. Do we not see how the masses are agitated, how hatred is stirred up, how people are pitted against each other, how the Marxist poison is dripped into the soul everywhere?

And bourgeois society has done nothing and could not do anything against this diabolical work of subversion, because bourgeois society in its injustice has itself brought it about.

NS wants justice, but on a spiritual basis. We believe that there is a spiritual meaning to life. We are calling for a fight against the materialistic view of life, against betrayal and immorality.

We see how religion and morality are mocked today, how the bonds of family life are sought to be loosened. We shout a warning against all this. It is an eternal struggle we see today between the divine and the demonic, between that which wants spiritual development and that which wants dissolution and destruction, between love and hate, between the eternal and the temporal.

We know the outcome of this match. The spiritual outlook will prevail. It has always been so, but the evil powers can gain the upper hand for a short while. May it not happen in our dear fatherland. May we succeed in gathering all good forces to fight against Marxism and godlessness. May we succeed in convincing all our Norwegian workers of what a terrible path their leaders want them to take, a path that can never lead to anything good, that can never lead to anything but evil, even for themselves, because its goals and means are of the evil, go against the divine.

We know the outcome of this match. The spiritual outlook will prevail. It has always been so, but the evil powers can gain the upper hand for a short while. May it not happen in our dear fatherland. May we succeed in gathering all good forces to fight against Marxism and godlessness. May we succeed in convincing all our Norwegian workers of what a terrible path their leaders want them to take, a path that can never lead to anything good, that can never lead to anything but evil, even for themselves, because its goals and means are of the evil, go against the divine.

Our way is the way of the Norwegian people; in agreement with what is good and healthy in the people, we will continue the development. We will build on the basic moral and ethical values of our people, but we will also be in agreement with our times. We want to unite what is good in the old with what is new in time, what is fighting its way through development.

And that is the great thing, that we seem to see a plan in the development of the human race. We see how the great moral commandment: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself", how it forces itself through development. We see how technical development requires cooperation between people. We are forced to cooperate. We are forced away from self-interest if it is not to affect ourselves. Self-interest through public benefit becomes the motto. 

And we see how the second great commandment: "You shall love the Lord your God and him alone you shall serve", also forces itself forward. We see that those who go against the divine will in development perish, and we seem to see how the development of the human race will take place through the peoples. Just as each individual person's uniqueness and individuality is developed within his or her community, so the individual community's uniqueness must each make a contribution to the development of human society in its own way.

​We see that the people's work and development must be built on specialisation. People are different and it is precisely through cooperation between all the differently equipped individuals that society can succeed in achieving the big goals. Development depends on people's differences, not on their similarity. Superficial similarities only lead us down. There will be equality at low levels where the less gifted pull the others down.

This has nothing to do with the individual's worth as a human being. All people are equally valuable, each in their own way in society. In the same way, the different peoples must each develop their own characteristics so that human society can reach the highest level of development through the specialization of the peoples. Thus, in development, each people has a meaning, and the Norwegian people also have their task in world development. The Norwegian people will also be held to account for how they have carried out their mission in the world community. The Norwegian people have their visiting time now.

There are forces that want to suppress the national feeling in our people. It is the same forces that will go about materialism's errands. It is the same forces that work on dissolution and chaos. It is the international revolution that has gained a strong grip on our people's soul. It is a commandment that says: Honor your father and your mother, that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.

We may not see so clearly that it applies to the individual, but in many generations down, it applies, and it is a law for every people. It is the satanic principle that will make us forget this law. With deceit and cunning, thoughts and opinions are sought to be tricked into us that will lead our people into corruption—yes, that will cause our people to disappear. Where the Marxists win, a people dies. May this never be said of the Norwegian people: that it has failed its mission, that it has perished in materialism and godlessness.

But it is high time we opened our eyes. There are circles in our society where it is considered an insult to be called ‘national.’ To love one’s country and one’s people, to work for the progress and well-being of the people, and to secure a better future for all Norwegians—should there be anything wrong with that? No, because this is precisely what it means to be national. Being national does not imply hostility towards other nations. Our duty primarily lies in working for the Norwegian people who have nurtured us. The royal idea within Nasjonal Samling is that Norway is a kingdom, and it should become a united people. All Norwegians should once again come together as brothers, not enemies, and cooperate for the greater good.

It has been shown before in history that Norway has been able to rally around a great task when it came to our people's existence. We saw it in 1814 and we saw it in 1905. These days we stand in the midst of a time when perhaps even more important things must be decided, concerning life or death for our people. And we believe that it will once again succeed in bringing the Norwegian people together so that we can get through the time of change and innovation that we are facing.

But it must be about life, before the Norwegian man understands that the whole countryside is more to him than land and farm.

And that applies to life today. May we once again succeed in raising the Norwegian people to battle against the forces that want its downfall. We are the champions of the new age who want to unite a divided Norway. We must continue to present the collective work that is Harald Hårfagre's (Harald Fairhair) and Olav den Hellige's (Olaf the Holy).

Olav Haraldsønn (Saint Olaf) died at Stiklestad in 1030, but his marksman, Tord Foleson, planted Olav's mark so firmly in Norway's soil before he also died that it has stood there ever since. It is this collection mark that we have taken up, the golden cross on the red base. It is because we also want a gathering on a Christian basis. We call on all those who want to join us in our faction to fight for the new Norway.

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.