Speech by Minister Albert Hagelin on the occasion of Vidkun Quisling's appeal to Norwegian youth to sign up for "Regiment Nordland".
Norwegian women and men!
Nasjonal Samling’s leader issued an appeal, encouraging all young Norwegians who shoulder responsibility for Norway’s future, to join the regiment “Nordland” as volunteers and to fight alongside German comrades for a just new order in Europe. It undoubtedly holds immense political significance for Norway. Quisling and Nasjonal Samling are deliberately and consistently pursuing the path that we have advocated for years as the only correct one.
Norway can pursue a policy that is firmly rooted in cooperation with other Germanic peoples, particularly Germany. We have always highlighted the Chancellor Hitler’s efforts to engage in dialogue and seek understanding with England. An attempt that the chancellor made again and again. If these attempts had succeeded and England had accepted Hitler's outstretched hand, then peace in Europe and in the whole world would have been secured for an endless time to come.
But England, or rather: the great international capitalist ruling clique within England, sought global dominance. They wanted to destroy Germany, which simply sought freedom and independence from England and international capitalism. For this reason, the great British capitalists declined to engage in understanding and friendship with Germany. They deliberately pursued a policy which must lead to war. In England, they disregarded the voices of those circles who were wise enough to oppose the war policy and desired to foster peace and friendship with Germany.
The Norwegian government and the Norwegian press seem to align with England's major capital interests and warmongers, rather than prioritizing Norway's own interests and fostering peace and understanding between the two great Germanic peoples, as we in Nasjonal Samling have done all these years.
It is tragic for us Norwegians to witness the struggle between the two largest Germanic peoples, fighting for their very existence. That Germany, having been thrust into war against their own will, now finds itself compelled to destroy England.
Many sensible individuals now frequently express the opinion that for Norway, it is immaterial which side emerges victorious in the war—whether it be Germany or England. However, this perspective is absoult crazy. Norway has the greatest interest in Germany winning the war. England, with its war against Germany, with its blockade of Norway, Denmark and the rest of the continent, has placed itself outside of Europe.
England's brutal despotism over the world's seas made it clear to Europe that Germany's fight is not least a fight for the freedom of the seas. As one of the world’s earliest seafaring nations, Norway has a vested interest in Germany’s victory in this struggle. Germany's struggle is also Norway's struggle.
For too long we have tolerated England treating Norwegian sailors as unfree men and Norwegian ships as private property.
Norwegian youth: Now happily take up the fight with weapons in hand for the freedom of Norway, for justice and peace in Europe.
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