By Bjørn Østring.
Youth leaders! Comrades!
It is now over a year since I last stood together with leaders in the youth rally here in Oslo. In the 15 months that have passed since I left, I have proudly worn the field gray uniform, and together with many other Norwegian and Germanic youth leaders, I have fought against Bolshevism for the salvation of Europe and for our culture. It is with pleasure that today, as a representative of the front in the east, I bring you a greeting from the comrades out there. What I want to interpret today are the thoughts created by life in the bunker — by life in battle!
I have often asked myself in the past why the German soldier and the German people can display such bravery and display such an attitude as they do. As a soldier, I have had this question answered. For centuries, the German people have been fighting against their enemies in the east and in the west in order to exist at all. This struggle is what has created the German people. We have not had this battle in Norway for many hundreds of years, and we have come to believe that we are outside the area where world history is made. We have forgotten our heyday, we have forgotten to fight. We all know here how our Leader Vidkun Quisling in the years before 1940 tried in vain - to talk the people to reason, to create a strong army and a good defence.
Only a few National Socialists believed in his plans, and that a strong Norwegian nation should once again be created. But we have experienced disappointments many times and often despaired of the development.
Today, however, I come from the front to say to you youth leaders: I have never been so proud of the qualities of my Norwegian people as in these months in front of Leningrad. I have again found faith in the Norwegian people. I now know that the Norwegian youth can fight, that they can fight back, and that they can produce the bravest and best soldiers if they are brought up correctly. That is why I believe that the Norwegian people will never perish, that they have their great mission in Europe. It is up to us to decide what role we will play in the future. The greater our effort for victory, the greater honor we can take part in the day of reckoning. However, victory is not won with words in this hard time, but with weapons in hand. I therefore encourage the Norwegian youth to actively fight against Bolshevism. After this war, there must not be a youth leader who has not stood for a time as a soldier at the front.
I hope for the day when there are not only a few companies of Norwegians in the east, but divisions. I say this as a representative of my comrades at the front, according to the will of dead comrades, those comrades who risked their lives for Norway's future. I am speaking in particular at the request of my best friend and fellow young leader Per Wang, who died with a greeting to the Norwegian people and to his leader Vidkun Quisling on his lips. These dead comrades will oblige me to fight until the Norwegian people have risen again as a strong people in Europe. If all our National Socialist youth leaders carry the same commitment within them, victory is already assured.
I am happy to experience that the youth group has grown further this year, and that it is more determined to fight than ever. Our comrades at the front should also have this certainty, because then they would fight with even greater joy. Believe me comrades, it is not encouraging when as a soldier you have the feeling that the connection between the front and the work at home is not strong enough, and when you hear again and again from home about strife and gossip. The soldier must know that his sacrifice is recognised, and above all, that those at home prove worthy of his sacrifice. When you agree at home, and leave all personal wishes and personal goals aside, then you are doing the greatest deed for the soldier.
Another thing the war has given me. I have become an even stronger and more convinced National Socialist than before. To be a National Socialist is to be a nationalist and a socialist. As a nationalist, I love and honor my people and my country, and fight for it to the last. As a socialist, I fight for all my people, and for every Norwegian to be recognised. Nationalism and socialism are what we experience in our camaraderie as soldiers at the front today. And this camaraderie must be the basis for our youth movement and later become the basis for our entire people.
But the time out there has given me even greater things, namely experiencing the Great Germanic camaraderie. In a battle where death does not ask whether you are Norwegian or German, we have become real and true comrades with the German soldier. We have noticed that we are of one blood, that we have one goal, and that we belong together. Out at the front, like the great work of our fallen Germanic comrades, which we can only feel the outline of, the great kingdom in which all the Germanic peoples will find their home is growing in silence, without great words. I admit it, openly and freely, I am a Norwegian, who loves my home and people everywhere. But I am also a Great German, who fully and firmly believes in the Great Germanic Empire, and fights for it.
In this realm, every Germanic people will find their place, as they deserve it after their efforts. In the center stands the Führer, Adolf Hitler. We decide for ourselves in the youth group today whether we will march along towards this great future at the beginning or at the end of the ranks. We are very fortunate to have a man like Vidkun Quisling as a leader, and that he has been in favor of this idea at an early stage, and that he has built his movement with it in mind. Vidkun Quisling has given us a head start on our other Germanic friendly countries, a head start that we young people must make even bigger. This would be the best gift we could give our Leader Vidkun Quisling, who has fought and sacrificed so much for our people, if we could fight him to get the first place among the Germanic leaders.
Often we hear people within our own ranks who are despairing and distrustful. There are the people who still believe that Norway can one day return to its peaceful life, to "the good old days", who do not worry about the events outside Europe, but who only think about their own selves. But that time is over. The time that our poets and seers have prophesied so many times, the foundation for that is now being created out on the battlefield in the east. And Norway must become part of this Europe that is being built up.
Many people ask: Will we ever be free again? I believe firmly and surely that we will one day become a free and independent Germanic people in Norway. This freedom, however, has nothing to do with the freedom expressed by the egoism of the plutocrats. Their talk of freedom is really just the thought of a full wallet. No, freedom becomes a voluntary confession to a greater unity, and within this unity the Norwegian people must live on with pride and honor.
Many people say: Adolf Hitler does not mean it honestly! To these people we answer: You regard the relationship with Germany as a trade where it is necessary to deceive the other party by cunning and deception. The relationship between Norway and Germany is not determined by small merchants and cattle traders, but by National Socialists, soldiers and free Germanic peoples. When we went into battle last year as volunteer legionnaires, we swore the oath to Adolf Hitler at Vidkun Quisling's wish; this oath is not just words. I have hereby promised in war unconditional fidelity and obedience. I know that this loyalty and obedience with which my comrades and I have fought is not only meant to be from our side, but that Adolf Hitler will also reciprocate it towards our country and our youth. On this point we must all be open and honest, he who cannot bring himself to have this faith, he does not belong to our ranks. We must create a clear front in our youth group.
The young generation in Norway will without a doubt and with a clean attitude and strong faith stand shoulder to shoulder next to the front fighter, and march along into a great and happy future. A future where the Germanic peoples will stand together and decide the history of this world. That is the goal we are fighting for.
Long live our dear Leader Vidkun Quisling!
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