lördag 16 mars 2024

Lecture in the Colosseum, September 26, 1942: Nasjonal Samling's ideology

Lecture by NS general secretary, minister Fuglesang for the party's political leaders and training leaders in the Colosseum on 26 September 1942.

By Rolf Jørgen Fuglesang.

Our Leader has often stated to us in his foundational speeches that whoever wants to fully and completely understand his time and the great events that are now being accomplished, should know history and learn from the lessons that history gives us.

When we delve into the history of people and nations with this in mind, we can immediately establish a very important fact that gives us the key to understanding also the time we now live in: Historical development does not run as a calm and steady stream throughout the ages.

The course of historical development is interrupted by major and minor crises, with their external characteristic in wars or internal upheavals. But occasionally the historical development culminates in profound development crises that intervene in all areas of the lives of people and nations, force a reassessment of all old views and have the most far-reaching consequences for the entire external structure of society. Most often, such profound development crises are also followed by violent external events. Great wars and bloody revolutions, the collapse of world empires and the foundation of new empires.

Such profound development crises are what we call time changes. These changes in time form the decisive differences between the great historical eras in the history of mankind, and such a profound, all-encompassing time change is precisely what we see being accomplished in the world today.

Just as the violent external historical events, wars, revolutions and the collapse of kingdoms, they are only external expressions of such profound internal changes in the historical development of people, so it is also today. The great world settlement we are currently witnessing, the violent internal upheavals that are being carried out in these years in country after country around the world, the external new order in the individual countries and in Europe, the contours of which we are now gradually beginning to grasp, the are all but the external characteristics of the great change of time which is currently in the process of being completed in Europe and with effects which encompass the entire world. Perhaps the greatest change of time that the Nordic peoples have experienced.

An era goes into its grave, and a new one is born. An old age with worn-out and outdated ideas and perceptions with political leaders and forms of government that have been overtaken by development itself, that have gone into decay, collapses and is erased, and a new age, a new Europe, a new world, emerges from the mud and gunpowder smoke of the battlefields.

A time shift is about to be completed.

What are the reasons for such huge time shifts? What forces are at work here? How is such a very process accomplished?

Anyone who reads history with a superficial view and based on a materialistic assessment of forces and events, will without a doubt only attach himself to the external conditions. He will see only the external events, the violent wars, the bloody revolutions, and he will establish these external facts as the causes of the great upheavals. In other words, he wants to turn things upside down and establish the external effects of the great forces at work here, as the causes of the fundamental upheavals that follow in the wake of external events.

We who see things from a National Socialist view of life know better. We know that the forces at work in the development of the world are both of a spiritual and material nature, but we know that the spiritual forces are the governing ones, we know that it is the spiritual forces that drive the development of the world, not the material ones.

We know that ideas rule the world.

We know that the major changes in history are to a far greater extent due to battles of ideas than the play of external material forces. We know that every external social structure, every external organization and structure of society has as its prerequisite and foundation certain certain basic principles and ideas, certain certain ethical and moral views, a certain view of existence, of man's place in existence and man's relationship to natural concepts such as nation and race, in short, a certain way of life.

The great external events and time changes in the history of mankind are the external expression of an internal tension which is due to the struggle between an old and a new outlook on life.

The thinking person has always strived to achieve a holistic view of life and existence and of man's place in existence.

This urge to arrive at a firm and all-embracing view of the world, a conception of the world, is the force that has driven all the great thinkers and researchers in the history of culture.

Behind all honest research will and scientific work always lies. this urge to arrive at a holistic view of existence and man's place in existence, to understand the meaning and purpose of life, to "solve the riddle of life".

Through the achievements of science, through the results of research, the basis is created for the outlook on life, the worldview that is current in every major epoch in human history, and from this worldview, this outlook on life, spring the basic ideas and principles on which human societies are built. These are indisputable facts that anyone who studies the history of peoples and cultures will be able to see the external evidence of over and over again.

But through the research work of science, through the inexorable and iron-hard law of development that also works in the field of science, the prerequisites are also created for the changes in this outlook on life and in the worldview.

Any honest research work aims, as mentioned, to reach a realization, to clarify and understand the eternal laws of nature, the fundamental forces that work in existence and, on the basis of this realization, to reach a view of life and a worldview that is in agreement with nature itself, which is based on the eternal and unchanging laws that work in nature and existence.

The research work of science is carried on by the many, but with a few, with the divinely blessed individuals of genius, the spiritual leaders in the historical development of mankind, the results of science condense into a universal conception of life, into an idea that grips the masses, and which through its practical consequences in all areas of men's lives, it completes spiritual and material upheaval, creates time changes, grounds epochs.

A fundamental and epoch-making idea in the history of mankind is thus always based on a certain outlook on life, a life task, and the idea is reflected in the basic principles for the structure and structure of society and in the ethical and moral principles on which society is built.

These facts give us the key to understanding the changes in time that our generation is experiencing in Europe and the world.

It is a new outlook on life, a new idea that breaks through blood and gunpowder smoke. It is a new view of life and man's place in life, a new view of concepts such as individual, society, people and race, a new view of historical development, new ethical and moral basic principles for human life and cooperation in the world, — the National Socialist idea and outlook on life.

In all areas of people's lives and existence, this new age idea intervenes and forces a reassessment of all values, a new order and a new structure socially, culturally and economically. The National Socialist society and new order take shape.

One of the fundamental principles, yes, the fundamental principle in the new age's conception of life, is reflected in the view of race and race's place in the historical development of mankind. Nasjonal Samling's outlook on life, like national socialism, is based on the racially conditioned conception of history, in contrast to liberalism and its development in Marxism, which is based on the materialist conception of history.

The racially conditioned conception of history takes its starting point from the race, the ethnic family, and bases its view on the epoch-making scientific results that racial research and racial biology have reached during the last couple of generations.

Through racial research's uncovering and clarification of the Nordic-Germanic race, its place in world development, its state-forming and culture-creating properties and influence on historical development, we have reached a completely new understanding of the concept of race, and the race's place in historical development. Through the results of racial biology, the activities of the constructive and destructive forces within society have been clarified, and the fundamental laws of nature which operate here have been clearly recognised.

These results of racial research and racial biology require a completely new view of historical development, of human society and its functions and goals, of the individual and the individual's place in life, of the community and the function of the community in relation to the individual and the race.

Before we go any further, it is necessary to pause at the concept of race. If we are to be able to fully understand National Socialism's view of race and its central place in historical development, we must first make ourselves clear what we mean by the term race at all.

In this connection, let's look at how one of the leading European race researchers, the German Professor Giinther, defines the concept of race:

"A race presents itself as a group of people, which differs from any other (similarly summarized) group of people through the union of physical characteristics and mental characteristics that are peculiar to it, - and always anew breeds individuals of the same species.

A race is thus an intrinsically hereditary group of people. - Anyone who has clearly imagined the essence of the race in this way must immediately realize that it will hardly be possible to find a race anywhere on earth as a collective human group. The groups of people who are connected to one people through the same language, through the same manners and customs or the same belief, with hardly any exception, form racial mixtures, not races. All European peoples are racial mixtures in which all races in Europe, or at least several of Europe's races, are represented in specific quantitative ratios pure and mixed with each other.

What is different from people to people, it is - from a racial scientific point of view - maybe not the race, but the mixing ratio in the race. In the racial mixture of one people, one or more races are more strongly represented than in the racial mixture of the other people".

According to Professor Giinther's definition, there is thus no 100% pure Germanic people today. However, this must not lead us to the false opinion that the nations that we today summarize under the term "Germans" are not in reality Germanic.

Firstly, the admixture of non-Germanic blood that has taken place in the Germanic racial area is racially related blood, and these non-Germanic blood elements have been "Germanized" through many thousands of years of biological development. Secondly, it is not decisive whether a nation is 100% pure Germanic, what is decisive is that it is predominantly Germanic. What is decisive is that the population in the area of Europe that we today call Germanic is predominantly Germanic biologically and practically as pure-bred as our fathers were during the great migrations, is Germanic in its outlook on life, in spirit and attitude, in abilities and aptitudes, reacts in a Germanic way to things and conditions.

This entitles us to establish as a fact, that the nations which We call the Germanic, together form a unified racial group, and just as compared to the other racial groups in Europe stand out as the Germanic race, in abilities and disposition, spirit and attitude equally Germanic like the fathers when they broke out of their homes at the beginning of the era of the great migrations and flooded the entire European continent and formed the nation-states that still exist today.

The race is thus a natural concept. It is a fact that in the world there exist different races, and just as the individual individuals and nations are differently equipped by nature with regard to various abilities and characteristics, so are the races. Seen in relation to development and progress, there are valuable breeds, less valuable and low-ranking breeds.

As long as we confess to the principle of development and see historical development as a way forward and upwards towards higher forms of life, meet a greater degree of happiness and justice for the individual and for the peoples, towards forms of life that give the greatest possible free expression of the creative forces that lives in the individual and in the nations and races, we must also recognize the principle that the most capable individuals within the individual peoples and the best equipped nations and races within the framework of the world community have the right and duty to assume the leadership position in this development, under responsibility equally towards history itself.

This is the driving principle in the broadest sense, driving under responsibility.

Our immediate realization and the results of racial research and racial biology in recent generations further show us that all culture, all spiritual and material progress, are not isolated phenomena due to some mysterious natural force that is beyond our knowledge. On the contrary, we can immediately establish as a natural fact that all culture is conditioned by the abilities and characteristics possessed by the people who are carriers of the culture. Culture is a direct result of the culture-creating properties of the race.

Culture depends on blood and race.

The culture develops and flourishes as long as it is carried by people, or at least by a leadership layer, which preserves its culture-creating racial values and characteristics from destruction through population death or racial mixing.

If the people who are the creators and bearers of the culture perish, the culture itself will perish sooner or later, but the created cultural values will inevitably perish. Only gigantic remains and ruins will remain as silent and often incomprehensible testimony that here once lived and flourished a brilliant culture carried by a highly developed and culture-creating race.

History itself shows us a multitude of examples of this.

The race which, more than any other, has been the creator and bearer of culture in the most important regions of the earth, the race which, more than any other, has been and is in possession of culture-creating and state-forming qualities and dispositions, is the race to which we ourselves belong, the Germanic race, or, in a broader sense, the great Nordic race.

This breed is truly unparalleled in history in terms of culture-creating qualities. It is definitely a driving breed, a ruling breed.

Whether we turn to the Indian culture or the Persian, or we think of the brilliant cultures of Asia Minor and the Orient or the Hellenic and the Roman culture, above all we can state that these cultures have been created by and carried by conquerors of Nordic descent. People of our own tribe, from the race's original home in the north, have penetrated into remote, impoverished areas and established powerful conquering kingdoms and states there. At the meeting with the rich natural values of the southern climates, a tremendous culture-creating expansion has unfolded.

The same applies to an even greater degree to the worldwide culture to which we belong today, the Nordic Western European culture.

The Germanic race, to which we ourselves belong, in prehistoric times constituted the - northernmost part of the great Nordic race whose original home was, apart from Scandinavia and Northern Germany, large parts of Central and Southern Germany, the areas of Eastern Europe which today constitute Poland, certain parts of Russia. In this primeval world, the Nordic race has lived ever since the last ice age. In these areas, close to the great glacier and under the harsh climatic and natural conditions that then prevailed in these areas, it has gradually acquired, through hard selection, the distinct racial characteristics that characterize the Nordic-Germanic race. From this center of radiation, over the course of millennia, wave after wave of Nordic-Germanic conquerors pushed eastwards, southwards and westwards, thousands of years before the last great wave which we know as the great Germanic migrations at the beginning of our known historical era.

These waves of people's migration have reached the outermost regions of the world and created powerful conquering kingdoms, which have formed the basis of brilliant culture, but which again little by little, as a result of the Nordic-Germanic leadership layer being swallowed up by the lower-ranking racially alien masses, have once again gone to the ground.

As the last great waves of emigrants from the Nordic core area, we know from history the great migrations that form the beginning of Europe's 2,000-year recent history up to this day, further the North Germanic expansion waves through the Viking trains in Åusterveg and Vesterveg which formed the basis for some of the largest Germanic state formations in Europe, the British Empire, the Russian Empire and later the united Italy. The wave of emigrants from Northern Europe which formed the introduction to and the basis for the colonization and building up of the American continent and the large European colonial empires that have been created since time immemorial can also be regarded as waves of migration sprung from the Germanic primal world.

When we consider the historical development with these facts in mind, we are therefore forced to determine that the Germanic race, more than any other, has had a world-historical mission and task.

More than any other, it has been the bearer of strong state-forming and culture-creating qualities and must, on the whole, even if we look at it purely soberly, be seen as the supreme achievement in the development of humanity.

The Germanic race is a distinctive race of leaders and rulers which, through the characteristics I have just mentioned, has created orderly legal societies in the most diverse areas of the world and thereby the basis for the great cultural development and civilization which today is the common property of the entire world.

We are forced to recognize that as soon as this race perishes, the world will again fall back into anarchy and dissolution, and the highest cultural production the world has seen will perish.

If we examine more closely these rich Nordic cultural formations which have flourished in earlier times and then perished, we can establish certain fundamental facts of importance for our entire historical outlook.

History shows us that the invading tribes of our own people who were the bearers of these cultures, during their intercourse with indigenous people of lower races, little by little mixed blood with these and by virtue of their numerical inferiority little by little disappeared in the original population masses. Historical and archaeological research has furthermore been able to demonstrate that the beginning of cultural stagnation, the transition to stiffened and degenerate reminiscences of an originally living and flourishing culture, and finally its downfall and annihilation, can be precisely dated to the moment when the culture-creating leadership layer lost its racial consciousness, lifted its isolation from the surrounding indigenous population and mixed blood with it.

History itself thus shows us that the condition for a bee to survive, flourish and develop further upwards towards the greatest heights is entirely conditional on the race and the culture-creating characteristics of the race being preserved through the preservation of the blood which is the origin and prerequisite of these characteristics.

If we look at the development with these facts in mind and from the point of view of the race, we can see that the history of mankind is a gigantic drama, a cultural struggle, a racial struggle. The Nordic race and Nordic world culture must fight or die. Our people must become clearly aware of these historical facts and draw the full and complete consequences from them. It must preserve its culture-creating and state-forming qualities against the persistent attacks through external racial mixing and internal degeneration which are constantly acting forces in historical development. It must defeat these forces, learn to understand and recognize the laws of nature in this area, and learn to live according to this recognition.

We have taken it as a matter of course, we who belong to the Western European, Nordic cultural circle today, that our world culture will continue to endure and develop and that the Nordic-European peoples will continue to hold the leadership position in the world. We have not previously made it clear to us that there seems to be an eternal law of nature which says that life is a struggle. Individuals, peoples and races must fight or die. All conquests must be constantly re-conquered through hard struggle. All positions that have been won through the fathers' hard and determined struggle for existence must be fought for again and again, through each and every line of the family. By struggle I do not mean only warlike decisions with the sword in hand, although this kind of struggle in hard times is also necessary, but I mean the struggle for existence against all the great, gigantic forces that want to overwhelm us and crush us.

A great and fundamental truth consists of significance for our entire existence and development as individuals and as a people. Namely, that the drive for self-preservation in man, the will to live, is not only limited to the individual, it also includes the family and the nation, and to a wider extent it includes the ethnic group, the race.

It is a fact that no one can escape from, that if the nation perishes, then the individual family and the individual individual also perish. In other words, the nation's existence, existence and development is the basic condition for the individual's existence. But an even greater and unshakable truth is that if the race perishes, the cultural circle to which we racially belong breaks up, then the individual nations and with them the individuals and the descendants also perish.

There is thus a natural community of fate between all peoples who belong to the same race, a community of fate that no people can avoid, without having consequences for themselves.

The leadership position of the European-Nordic peoples in the world, their high cultural and material standards are thus fatefully linked with the persistence and leadership position of our race in the world. We have, by nature or providence, no letter stating that this leadership position will be held forever. Nature and providence direct us to fight for our existence and leadership position. We are faced with the choice, either to take up the fight, or to perish, ourselves and our descendants after us.

And that choice is easy for a people who, through degeneration and corruption, have not lost their healthy attitude to life and their willingness to be lousy.

But if the struggle for existence is not to become a struggle with windmills, we must be aware of what the struggle is about, and we must put our energies into the struggle for life there and in the way that leads to the goal we intend.

We are directed by development and history to fight and to make our sacrifices for the common Nordic, Germanic cultural circle and its safeguarding. In our own interest, we must intervene to secure and protect what are the common Germanic and European interests and goals. We are directed by fate itself to advocate these, or to perish. And this view, this perception, the race-based conception of history must condition our entire view of and attitude to the gigantic battle that is now being fought in Europe, and especially on the front to the east, between an old and a new era.

This struggle is not a power struggle between European great powers. It is Europe itself and the fate of our people. A struggle between, on the one hand, an old and experienced time and all the international forces and interests that mean doom and destruction for our people and our culture, and on the other hand, the future and the thoughts, ideas, organizations and men of the new age, struggle for the future of our race itself and the will to live, the continued existence and leadership of our Western European culture.

Never has this fact emerged more clearly than on the 22nd of June last year, when the German army, in alliance with most countries on the European continent, directed its killing blow against the Judeo-Asiatic Bolshevism which was ready to explode as a tidal wave over Europe and thus exterminate our race, break down and wipe out the highest culture the world has ever seen.

There is no Norwegian who does not feel and understand in the bottom of his soul the battle of fate that is now being fought, who is not with his heart with the Norwegian youth who in Regiment Nordland and in the Norwegian Legion are putting their lives on the line for their people, for Europe and for the future. The very, very majority of our people understand that. It is only necessary that they follow the voice of their instincts, the voice of the race.

Our place is not on the Bolshevik side in this battle of fate, or with those who ally themselves with and support Bolshevism in its attempt to invade Europe and lay waste to our culture. Our place is on the Germanic side of this front. We fight for Europe and the Nordics, for the culture our fathers created and to which we ourselves profess, and through this we fight for our own people and their place and future in the new, Great Nordic Europe.

This race-based view of history and development and of our own people's place and task in this development, which I have explained here, forms the core of the Nasjonal Samling's outlook on life and idea. Based on this basic attitude, the view of all the current political tasks we as a movement are faced with in terms of internal political development springs. Based on this basic attitude, the movement's concrete political program is designed.

It is unnecessary on this occasion to go into detail about how this new arrangement will take place and along what lines. This has all come to clear form in NS's political programme.

In short, it can be said that we want a Norwegian society of solidarity where the common good comes before self-interest, we want to implement a social system that creates justice, and which above all is capable of unleashing all the good constructive forces that live in the Norwegian people and correcting these forces in a joint effort for the Norwegian people and their future and for the Germanic community.

We want to free the economic life of the Norwegian people from the domination of gold and build up our business life and our monetary policy on work and the results of work as the great value measures.

We will pave the way for the culture-creating forces that live in the Norwegian people, and thereby make our efforts in the Germanic community.

We are aware that this community must be built organically on the individual Germanic peoples. The Germanic nations are natural historical facts, and it is not our task to denationalize the Norwegian people, it is, on the contrary, our task to protect our uniqueness and our national abilities and characteristics from any alien influence, which will only mean that these abilities and characteristics and our uniqueness perishes.

It is as Norwegians that we can and must do our part in the common Germanic. It is the thousand-year-old Norwegian cultural heritage that we must bring into the larger Germanic community, and it is on this basis that we must act productively and creatively and make our efforts in the common Germanic cooperation and thereby promote the common Germanic interests.

There are many Norwegians who today still do not understand what the fight is about. Our opponents can be roughly divided into three main groups.

First of all, we have all those who today consciously enter the service of the forces that want to destroy the Germanic race and thereby the Norwegian people, i.e. direct agents of Bolshevik and West European Jewish interests.

These opponents of ours who will not be taught and who will not be convinced, but who consciously and with full intention enter the service of these forces, against these opponents we take up the fight ruthlessly and with all means, and these opponents we will destroy and liquidate.

In reality, however, they constitute only a small number of those who are our opponents today.

We have two other groups of opponents, and it is these groups that today make up the bulk of the Norwegian people. There are those of our opponents who, based on a misunderstood sense of nationalism and no doubt also driven by idealistic motives, allow themselves to be used to fight the Nasjonal Samling and the interests of their own people. Their efforts are due to ignorance and not malice. A great many of them firmly believe that they are safeguarding Norwegian interests and fighting for Norway's cause when today they are fighting NS and the new system and fighting our German Germanic brothers.

The third large group is all those who are neutral, who are willing to loyally make their efforts in objective work in order to thereby contribute to the Norwegian people getting through the period of hardship that we are currently living through, without reflecting further on what the struggle is applies and what goals the match has.

We shall not reject these two large main groups without further ado. On the contrary, it is our task to make the large number of the Norwegian people and loyal Norwegians understand that the road the Nasjonal Samling follows is Norway's road and means securing the existence and future of the Norwegian people. We must build bridges to these large groups of the Norwegian people. We must win them over to honest cooperation for the safeguarding of our national interests.

But if we are to be able to convince these opponents of ours that their position today is incorrect and only leads to the people's corruption, then it is necessary that we seek to understand them, seek to analyze the motivations that drive them, in order to seek through conviction to get them to understand that these motives are false, and that based on their misunderstood sense of nationalism, they are working against the Norwegian people and their future.

This group consists of people who have previously never dealt with politics and political issues to any great extent. They have previously reconciled themselves with the liberalist form of government, despite the fact that to a certain extent they have been aware of: the major shortcomings attached to this system, and the destructive forces that worked within this form of government. In reality, they are, to the exact same extent as ourselves, filled with the desire to create an arrangement that means social justice, and a solution to all the problems that the democratic-liberalist society was faced with.

For them, however, the race-based view of historical development is completely foreign. They have never made the acquaintance of it. They have never known what it is. Over the years, they have been subject to the systematic propaganda and agitation against Germany and against National Socialism which was carried out also in our country under the leadership of the international Jewish Bolsheviks in Moscow, London and New York. They firmly believe that National Socialism means barbarism, dictatorship and oppression, they believe that the driving forces in the National Socialist movement are evil and only aim to reach power through raw violence and terror.

Before the war, they firmly believed that social poverty and misery reigned in Germany, that all human rights were abolished, that all cultural endeavors were trampled underfoot and exterminated, and that it all led to barbarism and the deepest oppression.

On the other hand, they firmly believe in the phrases of the democratic propaganda. They believe that democracy means freedom and material prosperity, despite the fact that by looking at the conditions in the great Western European democracies, they had to be convinced by the facts themselves that these propaganda phrases do not measure up, that liberalism, on the contrary, leads to class struggle and internal dissolution, to unemployment and social destitution and misery, to Jewish capitalist exploitation and ultimately to complete disintegration and collapse.

One thing, however, we must not deny in these opponents of ours. Today, they are driven by patriotism and pride in their people's history and cultural efforts, and to a certain extent also by idealism.

It is all these things that I have pointed out here that today cause these groups of opponents to fight us and the forces that want a revival of Norway and of Europe. They are fully and firmly convinced that through this struggle they are standing up for the national interests and standing up for the ideals in which they believe.

The question that arises for NS today is: How are we going to be able to liquidate this match, how are we going to be able to win these opponents. We must then make it clear that it can only happen through conviction. It is our duty and our task to make these opponents of ours understand that they have been led astray by systematic and cunning propaganda, it is our task to make them understand that the facts look quite different than they have imagined them in their fantasies.

We must make them understand that the National Assembly means a newly ordered society with social justice, a form of society which requires the liberation of all working forces in the people, and which also means the liberation of the great cultural forces that live in the Norwegian people.

We must make them understand that Nasjonal Samling respects the individual and the individual's right, that we do not demand submission and abandonment of the individual, but that we, on the contrary, seek to reach a form of society which for the individual means real freedom and really free expression of all healthy powers and facilities. We only demand that the individual should subordinate himself to the interests of society and the community and thereby also look after his own healthy interests.

We must make them understand that NS respects property rights and respects the values that the individual can acquire through positive constructive work and efforts in society.

We must also make them understand that NS wants an uncovering of all the national cultural values that have been suppressed and partially destroyed during the liberalist era, but that we will at the same time seek to protect the national cultural life against destructive and unhealthy forces and trends.

But above all, we must make these opponents of ours understand that they, as Norwegians, are themselves Germanic, that they and their children after them can only exist as long as the nation's life and existence are secured, and that the nation's existence in an invariable shared destiny is linked with the people we belong to as a nation.

We must make them understand that a victory for Bolshevism and for all the forces which today are storming against the Germanic people will mean that they themselves will be annihilated, that their children will be deported and killed, that their home will be destroyed, their values taken from them and their families dissolved as we have again seen numerous examples of in recent years in the countries that Bolshevism has, by force of circumstances, conquered.

We had the latest examples in the small Baltic nations, where a large part of the population was regularly exterminated or deported, only during the short time the Bolsheviks were in power in these areas.

We must make them understand that as long as Germany and the Germanic countries lose this war, no power can prevent our country from being handed over to the destruction and annihilation of Bolshevism.

I am personally convinced that it is not difficult to get opponents, whose position is dictated by national feeling and idealism, to understand these things, as long as we only reach them with our views and arguments. I am sure that it is possible to get these large groups of the Norwegian people to realize the correctness of our position and the path we are following.

It is true enough that it can be difficult enough to come to terms with these opponents of ours, but we must not shrink back from these difficulties. On the contrary, today we must put everything into reaching the large parts of the Norwegian people who are not yet convinced of the correctness of our view and our path. It is such a much stronger demand on us that it is quite clear that a united and united Norwegian people can in this day and age do infinitely more to secure our country's freedom and future than a divided people can. The internal struggle and division can precisely in a time like this have fateful consequences for the life and future of the Norwegian people.

I am further convinced that the people who are themselves filled with national feeling and idealism, regardless of whether they are our opponents or our supporters, will understand that it cannot, after all, be a simple cause that the National Assembly is fighting for, all the while Norwegian thousands of young people, based on burning conviction and idealism, are willing to risk their lives for their ideas and convictions, when soldier's graves out there in the east, where Norwegian youth rest, are silent testimony that the youth who gave up on NS and the new age idea, is willing with his life and blood to seal the pact that exists today between the Germanic peoples in the decisive, fateful battle for the future of the Germanic race and Europe.

This, trustees and comrades-in-arms, should tell us to see it as our task today, in the months to come, to put everything and every effort into winning the large groups of the Norwegian people who today stand against us, but who in spite of this can be saved.

This is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary, we are aware that we already have the strength necessary to force our way through to the Norwegian people.

But this cannot be satisfactory for us. Consciously dedicate ourselves that the party's mission and task at this time is to win the entire Norwegian people for National Socialism and the Greater Germanic New Order in Europe. Our task is to create a gathering of the Norwegian people about what are today our vital tasks and goals.

Therefore, we must also put all our efforts into creating the basis for this gathering, and we must follow the paths that in this respect can lead to the goal.

As I have stated above, every social system, every social arrangement is only the external expression of a certain idea, a certain outlook on life.

However, the idea never wins on its own. It must be carried forward by an organized will. It must be carried forward by individuals who advocate for it, who sacrifice and fight for the idea and the new order that the idea requires. It must be carried forward by an organization that grows into a people's movement and finally includes the determining number of the people. But first of all it must be carried forward by a man, a leader, who is able to express the people's longings and will to live through the design of the idea, who is able to give the idea content and expression, so that it is understood and recognized by the large number of the people when it is submitted to it.

"In the beginning was the word", it is written, "and the word became flesh and blood and dwelt among us". That's how it is with big ideas. They spring forth in the brain of a single person. The individual person appears as the "redeemer". But if it is to be realized in human society, if it is to be realised, it must be materialized in an organisation, a movement, a people's journey. Individuals must join together in groups, in an organization, a people's movement, which manages to permeate the entire people, drag the people along with them in the work for the realization of the idea in human society.

This is the party's fundamental task in the time shift we are now in the midst of. The party is the bearer of the idea. The party is the organized expression of the idea. The party is the materialized will that will lead the idea to victory and to realization in society.

The party's task is therefore not initially to gather the large amount of the people in its ranks. The party must gather the elite, the selection of the most skilled, the most energetic and strong-willed in the people. The party shall be a political order which shall bring together the self-sacrificing, the fighting missionaries for the idea and the cause, fanatical idealists and revolutionaries who are filled with a burning will to, whatever the cost of sacrifice and toil, carry the cause through to victory and to ensure the realization of the idea.

The party must be the bearer of the idea. That is, through the party, the idea must reach the entire Norwegian people. There must not be a woman or a man in the people whom the party is unable to reach directly with the outlook on life, the thoughts and ideas that together make up the new system. It is the party's task to ensure that the idea permeates the entire people and the entire organization of society.

This necessitates that the party, through its organisation, reaches all the way to the depths of the Norwegian people. Only when the party is organizationally developed so that this primary goal can be achieved, will the party have solved its most important task: To give the Leader the tools he needs to bring the idea out to all parts and groups of the Norwegian people. The organization is therefore not an end in itself, but a tool to achieve certain specific goals. And these main goals today are:

  1. to conquer the Norwegian people for the idea,
  2. to conquer social power,
  3. to become the great intermediary between the people and the state leadership,
  4. to implement the new system in all areas of the life of Norwegian society.
These are the simple, clear tasks that fall to all of us as the party's political leadership. These goals cannot be achieved by the individual political leader and trustee or the individual members in the party indulging in fruitless politicization and the discussion of rumors about major political events which are allegedly to take place on this or that occasion. The major political and foreign policy tasks can safely be left to our Leader. We all have unlimited confidence in him, that he will guide the Norwegian ship safely into port with a sure hand.

The effort we can make and which our invariable duty requires us to make, is to expand the party by all means, consolidate it in all areas, put it in a fully effective condition to carry out the tasks incumbent on the party.

Work, work and more work is our duty and task.

We must by all means implement the strictest discipline in the party. We have to prove in deed that we ourselves are filled with discipline, a willingness to sacrifice and a never-failing willingness to put in the effort.

And above all, we must keep the revolutionary spirit alive in ourselves and in the party. We must cultivate idealism in ourselves and in the party. We must never compromise here. But we have to go ahead ourselves.

Idealism is the condition for victory. If idealism perishes in our own ranks, then we lose the right to victory.

We must work with ourselves in this regard, and as political leaders must lead our members and comrades in arms on the same path.

The greatest demands must be placed on each individual member and above all on each individual trustee in the party. The party must cultivate idealism and willingness to sacrifice. The political leaders in the party must educate themselves to ardent idealism and willingness to sacrifice, so that each fanatic devotes all of his abilities and strength without thought of his own gain. The strictest justice must therefore be carried out within our own ranks. All attempts to exploit the party and the idea for their own personal benefit and gain must be put down with a heavy hand.

Let us all live up to the example set by our frontline fighters. Let us follow the path our fallen comrades have marked out for us. They sacrificed, filled with a glowing idealism and faith in the idea, the highest sacrifice a human being can make, life itself.

Their example must urge us all to increased willingness to sacrifice, increased work, increased effort, and make our idealism and faith clear and burning, whether our efforts take place abroad or here at home.

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.