I wish everyone in the youth group from near and far a welcome to this spring gathering in Norway's capital during the national assembly. All of us in the youth group thank our leader Vidkun Quisling because he is here among us and because he wants to speak to us tonight.
My colleagues and I have only just reached home for this National Assembly. We have just come from Vienna, from the big youth meeting. The days down there are still vivid memories for us, and we are filled with the many and powerful impressions and experiences. I am happy that on a day like this I can bring my Leader, my comrades-in-arms in the youth group and all Norwegian youth a greeting from Vienna and thus from the youth of all the European countries that were represented there.
I saw in the formation of the European Youth Association the best and most solid foundation for the cooperative, united and strong Europe that must come. And after the meeting I have become even more strengthened in my faith. It is the youth who must carry out the rebuilding in the various countries, - what is more natural than that this youth collectively takes the lead when it comes to rebuilding Europe and preserving and defending our common European culture?
The enthusiasm shown by the youth representatives from the various countries and the willingness shown to jointly solve the tasks and problems of the youth gives a good sign that the young generation will succeed in creating the new Europe that we all long for look forward to.
It is always good, and today perhaps more than usual, to see Norway's colors outside the country's borders, and we often got to see them in Vienna. The car that met us at the station was decorated with the Norwegian flag, and at the hotels where the foreign guests stayed and in front of the many venerable buildings where the meetings, gatherings and marches took place, the Norwegian flags flew together with those of the other nations.
But what gripped us most was when our banner, together with the others, was carried at the head of 10,000 Hitler Youth boys from Vienna. With thousands of boys as trellises, they marched through the city's streets and past the countries' envoys and other guests. In this ensign of European flags, we saw our own brand carried forward by one of our stubborn peasant boys who came from one of our proudest mountain valleys. So often in our history we have heard of our men of note from the valleys and villages. It gave a safe feeling to see this representative of Fjell-Norge, — the representative of the real and strong and original carry our brand down there in this old and also new cultural center in Europe.
It was as if, with this mustering from the heart of the country, we brought with us and showed forth the best and strongest we had.
No less breathtaking was the last evening during the wreath-laying on Heldenplatz when Norway's wreath with our national colors was carried forward and laid down together with the other nations' wreaths. During the slow ringing of bells, it was announced that the wreath of the Norwegian youth was now coming, and then we heard Rikard Nordraak's strong and exhorting tones in "Ja vi elsker" which echoed evocatively and beautifully over the city, and which could tell more than words about Norway, about its struggles and joys, its longings and goals.
But it was not only these external signs of European community that made such a strong impression on us. Even stronger was the sincere and honest desire for cooperation that was reflected in the various working committees, whose task was to plan and organize the future cooperation in the various fields.
Having myself participated in deliberations about the land service, it was an experience just after the meeting in Vienna to come to Posen and visit our girls and boys who participate in the Germanic land service there. It was uplifting to see in practice how far we had already come. At the same time that I bring to the Leader and all comrades in NS a greeting from the big youth meeting in Vienna, I also have a greeting from our handsome representatives in the Germanic Land Service. In a small town near Posen, they had gathered for a meeting last Sunday afternoon. The square was beautifully framed by Norwegian and German flags — again the Norwegian colors and "Yes we love" at the end. A small piece of Norway that I promised to bring a greeting from just to the match day. We have reason to be proud of the boys and girls down there who, in this dignified way, show the Norwegian flag and the youth's willingness to work together. I greeted the vast majority of them and I promised to bring a greeting from each one to parents and relatives, which I ask to receive it in this way.
They have participated in many different kinds of work down there. The grain was now everywhere in houses, and preparations for next year's crop were in full swing. The winter rye was just sown on the colossal fields. It was Europe's and thus our own grain supply that the Norwegian youth helped secure. Already an example in practice of the cooperation we had recently agreed to carry out in Vienna.
Today, it cannot be said how or where outside the country's borders we will help build the new Europe. But, as our Leader said today at the National Assembly, it is only natural that we the Northern Germanic peoples contribute to the arrangement in the Russian space, where our ancestors also had their sphere of activity. As an expression of our will in that direction, we are involved in the German land service. I am sure that the Norwegian youth during their work down there will become aware of what great tasks await their solution in the east.
For almost two years, Norwegian youth with weapons in hand have taken part in the Germanic struggle, and new volunteers are constantly moving out, not least leaders in the youth faction. And our boys and girls in the Germnaic land service show that even the younger ones are ready to take their turn in their own way. We must equip ourselves to take our part in the task that now exists, namely to create an organized, Germanic cooperation within a united, strong and united Europe.
The fact that Norway, within the joint Germanic and European youth work, has been given the special task of processing what is called "Bauerntum und Landdienst" is of great value to us, because precisely this area should be the starting point and basis for the future youth work in our country.
Minister Dr. Lunde said yesterday during the opening of the exhibition "Norges Nyreising" that we must once again gain a foothold in Norwegian soil and nature and once again become aware of the individual's connection with people and race. On this natural foundation, the new Norway must be built, modern in form, but rooted in the old. Precisely this line is what we want to follow in the youth group, because more than anyone else, it is the young people who will travel to Norway.
Through our peasantry and our farming culture, we find the connection with our history, and here we also find today the best values to build on.
Professor Oscar Albert Johnsen says in his book "Norges Bønder" that the fate of the peasantry through the ages is the very core of the Norwegian people's own saga. The other social classes have changed, there are breaks upon breaks in their history, but the peasantry was always itself. It endured through all the changes. Through it alone our national life today has its roots in primeval times.
If we get such a foundation in order, we will gain power and strength in all areas
to take advantage of our opportunities and create a strong and newly-raised Norway, which, like previous periods, can also provide a surplus for efforts outside the country's borders.
The youth, for their part, have already taken this line. Through the employment service and the land service, it seeks to contribute to creating this basis for Norway's new construction.
In this way, the young people are also involved in the matauking's service in the onne and harvest work. If the youth service had been introduced several years ago, today we would be quite differently equipped to use school children from the cities in the autumn work in a big way. "Strength must be put into the implementation of the national youth service", said the Leader in his speech today. I will repeat the Leader's appeal and pass it on to all the boys and girls in the national youth group. With energy each of you must equip yourselves to undertake the task entrusted to you.
For us in the youth group, it is a great thing today to be able to follow and support our Leader Vidkun Quisling in his tireless fight for country and people. For six years he has advocated for organized, Germanic cooperation, and his struggle to awaken the Norwegian people began even further back. Again and again he warned of the danger that threatened us from our frivolous and antiquated policies. In time he gave us instructions on how to get into a safer track. But the generation in charge only understood his clear foresight to a small extent, or at least did not want to listen to him. They let the chance to prevent the disaster slip away.
And now, without the Leader having wanted it that way, the whole old game has come to an end, and we have had to start on a completely new basis. And those who will then help our Leader, it is precisely the new generation - that is the youth. We are proud to be part of the vanguard for Norway's youth, for the youth who will carry out Norway's new journey.
We are proud to be able to be with our Leader in his gigantic building work. We promise to do what we can to support him, and we are sure that he will succeed in restoring our country and giving it its rightful place in the Germanic and European gathering. I am sure that with him at the helm, the wish that Aukrust ends his poem "Subject" with will soon come true:
"Give what once had to lie blue in cloud against a clear and new sky, and with gusto and brilliance to flow . morning sun over the great, wild, beautiful land of Norway".
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