fredag 15 mars 2024

January 1942: The Life And Future of the Entire Nation

"Higher than the life of the individual is the life and future of the entire nation". The Leader's message to the volunteers in the Norwegian Legion January 1942.

By Vidkun Quisling.

The Norwegian people are not a large people in terms of population. But the greater is the part that each individual Norwegian bears of Norway's name. All the greater is his responsibility and his duty.

Let it be said of you that the Norwegians are the best soldiers — disciplined, brave, persistent, fearless and clever, and that they are a people who know what they are fighting for.

The tracts you come to are no strangers to the efforts of Norwegians. They were the scene of our fathers' exploits in battle and in work, these matchless men of vigor and courage, to whom bravery was the highest virtue, warriorship the greatest honor. You will not shame them, much less as the fight is now not a fight just for the sake of fighting, but a life and death fight for the highest and greatest goal for which a Norwegian can risk his life: the salvation of the fatherland and our people from the most deadly danger that ever threatened us.

We trust that you will do honor to our Nordic ancestry and show yourselves as worthy fellow fighters to the brave Finnish and German soldiers for our common cause and victory.

Be all good comrades, help each other in all difficulties and dangers and also be eager to gain experience and learning, so that you also become skilled in order to later help build up here at home the new Norway, whose foundation you are now consolidating with their efforts as soldiers.

Keep the love for the fatherland and the faith in Norway and its mission in the world firm and burning in their hearts. Higher than the life of the individual is the life and future of the entire nation.

Greetings everyone. All the best legionnaires! We trust you!

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Sverre Henschien: Leader of the Førerguard (1944-1945)

Born 29 July 1897 in Levanger, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway. Sverre Henschien was the Leader of the Førerguard from 1944 to 1945.