Article by Vidkun Quisling.
The eternal Jew is again on the move. The Jewish question, which lies at the root of the unrest of the time, begins to rise in its full extent and in all its tragedy. It threatens not only the Jewish people but also all other peoples with war and destruction.
The Jewish question is probably at its core a metaphysical problem. But in practical and political terms it is at least an international problem that must be solved internationally.
The question has become acute when two major powers move to directly expel the Jews from their countries, while anti-Semitism is also otherwise growing at a rapid pace all over the world and especially in those countries where the Jews are either numerous or exercise a disproportionately dominant influence.
In Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania there are a total of around two million Jews. In Poland there are close to four million, in Ukraine and Russia perhaps five to six million Jews. What will not happen when the simmering anti-Semitism breaks out in full flame in these countries as well? In the "great democracies" France, England and America, where the number and influence of Jews is so dominant, anti-Semitism is also on the rise. What will happen when these additional nations with their at least six million Jews will shake off this foreign power?
Jewish nationalism is, to a greater degree than any other: "racism" and religious fanaticism, and it is to an undistinguished degree world imperialism. With the necessity of a natural law, sooner or later it comes into deadly conflict with the national self-assertion and self-preservation of other peoples.
It is this decision, prepared over centuries of world strife, that we are now facing.
But if this fateful development is to be broken, it cannot happen by the struggle flaring up on the entire world front, between on the one hand the national forces, and on the other international Jewry with all its anti-national auxiliaries: gold and international financial capital and its political weapon, democracy; the Socialist and Communist Internationals; the League of Nations and the various international secret Jewish organizations, besides the world press and all countries' so-called "artificial" Jews and half-Jews.
The Jewish question can only be solved by seizing the root of the evil while there is still time, by bringing Jewish nationalism onto healthy paths, parallel to the national aspirations of other peoples, and not as now across from them. In other words, the imperialism of the Jews must be limited by international legislation. Their nationalism, which determines their international legal position, must find its outlet in the building of a separate Jewish nation-state.
This cannot become Palestine as conditions have developed there. But it is clear that it would not present insurmountable difficulties to find another suitable area of land for a new Jewish land, provided that the task is only taken up seriously. There have been mentions of various large land areas on the African and South American mainland, and of the islands of Madagascar, New Guinea and Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean and Australia.
The well-intentioned people do a great injustice who oppose such a solution for religious reasons, based on a misunderstood interpretation of biblical prophecies. Under no circumstances will the gathering of the Jews in a national home be contrary to the statement of the scriptures. And if so was at a single point, doesn't the same apply to the earth's orbit around the sun?
(From an article in "Fritt Folk" 19 November 1938.)
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